What’s going on with our outdoor girls?

Worried we’re gonna lose our whole grow, as this is getting worse by the week. Understand the process of “old leaves”, but my bf doesn’t think this is what’s going on here. Mostly middle of plant but some at the very top, main stalk of one. They’re in good nutrient rich soil, and being sprayed with Azamax or lost coast every 10 days or so to try to avoid aphids this year. They also got their first dose of “tea” last week. Dont really see a difference…


Looks like bug attack, possibly caterpillars and or mites, miners could be a mix of all three. There’s a ton of store bought stuff safe for bud plants. I like Captain Jacks insecticide soap it sticks better than others


Just a guess, but looks like some kind of pest or maybe a fungus?
Have you checked the underside of the leaves?
Could they be having a bad reaction to the pesticides?


There is evidence to aphids, but not infested yet Just released lady bugs, we are spraying w Azamax one week, lost coast the next, with DE and Sevin at the base

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Any better ?

Maybe a little better w the Azamax. We’re now flowering so thinking we need to change to Lost Coast .?. Or Nuke em? Ps anyone in the Penobscott county ME region that wants tomatoes? Jfk, were being overrun! If only our girls would produce as well!

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Leaves are getting worse. Not seeing any significant critters. Would white flies do this?


1. If this was my garden I would first remove the majority of the infected leafs. The weaker/dying leafs are the first area any pests will attack. (They don’t like healthy plants)

2. Next I would spray the entire garden, including the soil and grow bags, with either Captain Jacks or PureCrop1. I personally use PureCrop1 but have Captain Jacks as a secondary spray.

Repeat spraying the garden for three days. If you spray just once you aren’t killing the eggs that have already been laid.
I would also suggest after a week spray them with the other spray.
Ex. -Three days spraying with PureCrop1, wait 1 week, spray again with Captain Jacks.

3. I would also feed straight water for the next three days. This would let me now if I had some nasty nutrients lockup in my soil. Causing hot spots to be periodically realized. Causing the plants to get severely burnt.

4. Lastly I would reales a few thousand lady bugs. These little critters will put some work in. In a good way :farmer:

5. I don’t do this but you might have to. Look up an organic soil drench. Just remember. Sometimes less is best. Especially when it comes to the sensitivity of the roots.

This is our little garden. All organic with very very little maintenance. Maybe about 1.5hrs or less of garden work per week.
See how the bottom is open. That’s called skirting. This allows for good airflow and light penetration. It allows helps with pest prevention. It allows me to efficiently spray for pests etc.
I have also removed a good portion of the inner leaves. For the same reasons.

Remember we all grow differently. What works for me might not necessarily work for you.

Happy farming… :smiley: :sun_with_face: :v: :farmer:


leaf septoria, fungal infection.


Double on the leaf septoria

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Great run down, with very good advise. Nice looking trees you got there.

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@HippieRunner1 Not to hijack your thread @MsRebecca But since were on the leaf subject…
what the deal with these?..The leaf charts I see all start to look the same…I’m guessing some nute lock? (Using Silica first … Jacks 321 occasional Cal-Mag to try and correct what I though was a deficiency,Fishshit Humic acid) Photos 25G Fab pots)

99% of the other leaves are fine This is mainly on the Blueberry The buds and there leaves are fine?

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Nice trees friend…

Here’s my lil garden


@Poof Welcome… Nice Lil Garden Looks a bit bigger than “Lil”… :laughing:
Good looking plants look like they’re gonna produce some fat budz…