What next first time grower, 30 days vegging

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Welcome to the forum.

She looks good. You might want to back off the light a little bit to encourage her to stretch out some.

Will do thanks, but wont she strech when i switch to flowering.

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Looking good.

Yep. But that stretch is just new growth. If she’s got a lot of light she will still be pretty compact. I do this to grow my girls compactly. Here’s a maui wowie that I vegged for 10 weeks. She’s 3 weeks into the stretch, but still very compact. She’s only 18" tall - very short for a plant vegged that long. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. You have to decide what is for you. I’ve found that if they are too compact they are harder to manage.

She does look really healthy.

Aelcome to the community. :+1:

I forgot to add the pic and can’t edit my post now. Here’s that MW I was talking about.


Thank you for the advise,raised my top lights to 18 inches away from plant.

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Thank you im trying.

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