What does this look like

Can anyone tell if brown patch on my outdoor bud is ok or something badProcessing: 20230913_185018.jpg…

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Let the pic finish loading Growmie :love_you_gesture:

Ok thank you im not sure what im seeing


How many buds look like this Growmie and can you post some more pics, this resembles bud rot unfortunately but would like to see a few more pics. Indoor or out and how long in flower :love_you_gesture:

Ill take more when i get home its only on one plant but all the buds it is a nice plant dang

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Tough ll plant sumsummer here was brutal 118 degrees li

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Temps, rain and humidity have put a hurting on a lot outdoor growers this year. Unfortunately this looks like bud rot my friend. Tagging some experienced outdoor Growmies for treatment @Oldguy @Borderryan22 :love_you_gesture:

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Yes sir i was thinking it looked like mold i seperated her from the others dang thats sad


I would remove that bud and do a close inspection of the others on that plant. Still some salvageable buds on that lady :love_you_gesture:

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Yes sir im fixing to look under this microscope at this stuff an the trichones


I concur. Mold starting unfortunately.


I’m gonna have to join the bad news bears here, and say it’s the start of mold/rot. I did one plant outside this year that turned into total fluff. Not a single tight bud, because it was so dang hot. We went 44 days no rain and probably 30 of them well over 100°.


The buds are solid thick lil buds but ill have to kill it

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Dang i hate killing a plant i cant smoke im do some fast seaching for things to stop it lol

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