How old is that plant ?
Auto or Photo ?
Strain ?
Pic of entire plant ?
Let’s start there
Plant is a clone, I got it from a friend on 4/30/24
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ITS A RUNTZ CLONE. The last picture in small container is when I got it, it was that big.
Ok thanks.
Being that it’s a clone, I’m gonna assume it’s a photo. Runtz buds generally are colorful, so that may simply be what your seeing happen. Based on pics of entire plant, it looks to be fine. I grow autos, so they cycle a little differently.
However I’m gonna tag a few people and let them take a look.
Thanks so much, I was afraid it was bud rot or something else I read. Its overwhelming this is my first real plant that actually done well this time. I think it is time to harvest. I’m guessing
No problem, that’s what we’re here for It’s a team effort. We want everyone to be successful
I mean I guess rot is a possibility, but I feel like the plant is healthy based on those pics and what your seeing is color shift… let’s see what others have to say tho … I very well could be wrong so more eyes helps
That is a good friend.
Take care to return the favor.
Appreciate the tag @InkedOldMan. One of the pics looks a little suspicious, I would break one the those buds off and open it up, bud rot is usually gooey inside
Thank you very much for the response, I did inspect and feel the bud in and outside. It is not Gooey, I didn’t think anyway. Kinda velvet soft feel maybe. This plant has me nervous it’s the first one that turned out to be good so far. Lol ugh
Just keep an eye on it, you’ll be fine.
Post update pics and ask questions if needed.
@OGIncognito my thoughts exactly pal it’s the topic to me that looks like bud rot
I really can’t tell from the pictures. I’ve never experienced bud rot but I found this on line.
The first noticeable symptom is a wispy white mold. Then, the rot turns gray, then black . At this point, the buds will take on a slimy, mushy consistency. If bud rot is discovered early, you can take action to prevent further damage.
Thanks for the tag @InkedOldMan
Top pic to me
I’ve experienced it before and it looks a lot like that. Personally I would cut it open see what it looks like on the inside and if it is cut every bit of it out that you can then do a 50/50 peroxide water bud wash after harvesting
Mine was never gooey just brown and dead looking
It’s driving me nuts, some seem amber or reddish brown like. It was looking great, my first plant that actually amounts to something, and beautiful to me. I can’t have Bud ROT now nearly the end of cycle since it’s a cloned plant. , Thanks everyone for your help.
How exactly do I do 50/50 water and peroxide wash after harvest? Thank you for your help.
@DoneDeal can you help with the 50/50 peroxide wash I’ve never had to do that. @Shannon72 I’ve tagged someone with experience in this area to assist you. Sorry you have had that problem
Get three 5gal buckets and fill the first one up with a 50% peroxide 50% water mix make it enough to dunk your buds in. Then take the other two buckets and fill them with enough plain water to dunk buds in also. Harvest your plants then dip them in the 50/50 bucket then dunk it in the plain water bucket to rise the bad stuff off then dip again in second bucket of plain water to make sure the nasty is washed off… @John7 thanks for the tag Growmie
As this appears to be an outdoor grow, keep a close eye out for worms. The worms nestle in the buds and leave their poop which starts bud rot. Have you done any preventive spaying? You would need to use insecticide safe for use during flower. No Neem oil at this point. PureCrop1 is what I use. In my area the white cabbage butterly likes to lay their eggs on my plants and then we get little inchworms that grow into larger ones if not “nipped in the bud”. You can also try removing them with tweezers and magnifying glass but spray is usually more effective. I do both.