Wondering what size container you guys are using with soil.The wife and I just finished our first grow and we used 5 gal buckets . The grow went well but as I dumped out the soil to reamend it (and I wanted to see the root system) the roots were out the sides and bottem , so Im like damn I need bigger containers. So needless to say more soil was needed for the 30 gal containers . The ssedlings have popped( Banana Kush, Zkittlez, Wedding Cake, White Widow, PurplePunch all ILGM)and trying to reveg 7 clones that were taken a bit to late so they wanted to flower. Been smoking since 73 and never grew now Im hooked on this greenhouse growing year round is the goal. Reading as much on here as I can and watching you tube shit as well. Raising a cold one up saying thanks yall
It depends on lighting and space. If you are growing big plants then a larger container for sure. Normally for an inside grow under lights I’d recommend 5 gallon fabric pots and plan to supplement during flower.
There are a huge number of variables to consider re: growing style. If in living soil it’s one thing, commercial soils another, lights vs. sunlight etc.
Not sure you can run a greenhouse in your climate year 'round though.
Right now I have 4 plants in 3 gal fabric pots in a 3x4 tent and its a jungle.
2 plants in 5s is the sweet spot for my tent but I am pheno hunting so I wanted to go 4 plants. I actually started 5 but 1 did not pop.
Fabric pots don’t bind the roots like plastic. They keep sending out side shoots and it makes a very dense root structure. Plants thrive in them. Outdoors the size can be whatever you want. If your greenhouse is not real tall you may wish to stay with 15 or 20 gallon size. Great part of fabric is you can simply set it in another larger pot if needed and the roots will grow right through the sides and bottom.
grow bags do better than buckets.
big bags are difficult to move, as old age is upon me.
After my hernia surgery, 3 or 5 gal is my indoor and moving limit.
Planter-bag-drip pans have wheels.
Good growing to you.
Yup. Such a delima, who gets chopped today!.
Been in trim jail since the Thursday harvest and wash routine.
Drying as I write. Trim and seed mining going well.
Was surprised at the bud rot (not seen previously) and the one Hermi.
Seeds resulting from the Summer 2022 Island Orgy.
But good looking seeds for sure.
Girls are sleeping, but I will post pictures tonight.
Good growing available in 3’s or 5’s, and best of all, STACKABLE as mentioned, for next June outdoors.
The plants in my 30 gallon containers got to be about 7 foot tall and the 45 gallons were a almost 9 foot tall.
I like 5gal auto and 7-20 photo. Living soil. If a 20 they are always solo because they can get very large.
Either go up to 7 galloners or switch to coco coir or switch to autos all will more or less solve your problem ( sorta even 5 gallons can be on the small side for some of my bigger autos)
Lots of opinions, but I use 7 gallon fabric because it supports a big enough plant for me, and I can water an entire gallon at a time and get very little runoff in living soil.
I went from buckets and tupperware containers->netpots-> Radicle bags(out of business)->Rainscience
But all outside.
Yeah,my 25g outside gets to 7 feet-I believe you @Caligurl
Happy growing!!
SL out.