I’ve just got 5 seedlings that need to be repotted. I know I could wing it and things will go okay, but I’m curious what you every day growers have for preference?
I grow indoors and use 10 gal pots. It is always packed with roots at the end of the grow. More roots = better yield imho. You may want to go even larger if growing outdoors.
What @MidwestGuy said, 100% agree for photo period plants (which is what I mostly grow).
I switch to 7 gal when I grow autos.
I did notice a 100 gallon bag I’ll probably go with larger pots because I’m afraid of having too little space and growing it right into its own premature grave
Are you growing outdoors?
I started 10 seeds in peat pellets, then placed in small plantable pot with Mother Earth soil. they now sit outside day and night and I protect them from excessive rain and wind without blocking the light.
Assuming you are outdoors - we see many outdoor growers use 30 gallon bags. Outdoor plants can get massive if you are southern and have the light cycle in your favor.
I just included some photos in the original post
Can you post a link to the pics? I don’t see them in this thread.
They look great. I would put them in fabric bags when you up-pot them. Fabric bags breathe well and cannabis needs wet/dry cycles for good root health.
This is basically my budget setup. I used electrical tape, plastic wrap, and kitchen skewers to make wind blocks. I cut the bottom off the milk jug to make a protective dome for the babies. Poked holes in the wrap atop the 5 gal bucket. Pillow is for insulation of the pot walls.
I’ve done 10 and 20 gal. Smartpots outside, there was a big growth difference with the 20 gal. Depending on what you are growing start with 20 gal and go up from there.
I do 3-7 gal inside. Outside the sky is the limit…man ganja can grow huge outdoors!
I use 10 gallon fabric, indoors, Auto flowers. I know you are one of the masters. I was thinking about going to a 7 to 8 gallon it’s just every grow for me the many Roots tell me not to. Mainly the 10 gallons are getting kind of heavy when I have flush them and they’re filled with water and a huge plant on top of it.
Do you think going down a couple of gallons for a pot would make a difference indoors grows? Thanks
I suspect that going with smaller containers will affect your yields, just can’t say how much. That said, you can get some very nice yields in the smaller containers.
If the larger containers are difficult to handle or if you don’t have room for large plants, then going smaller may be best for you.
Not so much, I have just learned from the best, right here on this forum. My successes are a testament to the great growers and mentors that frequent this site.
I’ll second that. Everything I know is due to the great community here. I had previously only grown outdoors back in the late-70s (and grew poorly at that.)