Using ffof
Never have added nutrients.
Haven’t measured runoff
Ph going in 6.8
Haven’t measured runoff ph or slurry test
I’m at 6 weeks flowering so I may be able to make it but I’m not sure what’s going on here. Last grow I had same thing at like 6 weeks happen. As you can see some of tips are burned from what must be ffof being hot as I’ve never added nutrients this go around. What kind of deficiency does this look like to more experienced growers? It seems to only be affecting the fan leaves.
The last grow when I fed my other plants when this happened it burned them - even at half strength. I have fox farm trio. I’m apprehensive to feed them. Should I use tiger bloom, big bloom, or both? I’m assuming I don’t need much nitrogen right now, so would big bloom be best? If so 1/2 strength?
Recommend liberal run off when feeding the trio Growmie. Heavy salts in their synthetic fertilizer. As mentioned above the amended soil is good for approximately 6 weeks of nutrients. Do you have a TDS pen? I would mix a gallon or 2 of nutrients at 800-1000 PPMs, PH to 6.5 and drench the plant and test the run off
It’s time to start adding some bloom nutes as @OGIncognito mentioned about 800 PPM frist couple feeding will be fine.
( Plant looks hungry) Keep up the good work.
What ratio of the trio should I use? or should I just use big bloom? Or tiger bloom? Which ones would you guys use and what ratio of each. Thanks for your help
Feed all 3 Growmie at 800-1000 PPMs using the 500 scale. I’m fairly sure FF is set up on the 700 scale. Mix all 3 at 1/2 strength and test the mixed solution. You’re shooting for 800-1000 PPMs. I use a spiral notebook to record feeding info, veg and flower days, lighting adjustments etc… just a recommendation to check back on. Write the final nutrients down and adjust next round if 1/2 strength doesn’t hit the target range above
Alright!! I’m going to feed half nutes. Maybe a little less even, 6.5 ph, and measure runoff tonight. I’ll update on runoff numbers.
Speaking of runoff, on last grow I had usually been taking the first few ounces and measuring that. Should I take a larger sample? Should I use all of runoff to take measurement? My understanding is if it’s too little it may be an overly condensed reading whereas too much it can be a diluted reading. What do you do?
So I did my first feed
Schedule called for 3 tsp of big bloom and 2 tsp tiger bloom per gallon. I did half of this
The tds meter on the .7 scale read 608 of the feeding solution after adding ph up. The .5 scale read even less and I was nowhere near the 800-1000 mark.
Water was 6.7
TDS meter coming out read 1281 (.7) and 902 (.5)
You know I was hoping to see if I could get through without feeding and I’m at 6 weeks flowering and I really hadn’t been measuring runoff this go around. I’m seeing how I should have been and would probably avoided getting to this point.
Tell me, where did you get the numbers Chart with the ppm/etc per stage?
Yes I’m planning on doing it next feeding. I was hoping I could feed this go around to see if I could have results. Every single time I’ve fed in the past I’ve burned plants and I guess I was trying to play it safe. Which may prove to have been detrimental. I guess we’ll see.
I know ff feeding schedule says to feed twice a week. Should I feed at next watering or would you just water and take measurements to adjust for feeding the following watering time? I’m going to use all three nutes next feeding.
Not gonna lie, the chart was passed on from this forum. Do you have the Fox Farm nutrient schedule. Of course, like you mentioned, read your numbers and decide. It is recommended to start at half the dose to see how each plant responds.
Try to maintain your run off PPMs around 1200 or less. On feed days if the run off is greater than 1200 next round is water only. My best advice is follow a drench to drought feeding or watering routine with liberal run off. Depending on the vessel size that could be anywhere from 3-5 days between watering or feeding. The drought is needed to provide the roots oxygen