Is this a Potassium deficiency

Hey all. First time grower.

My girls are almost done with their 4th week of flower.

I am suspecting they have a potassium deficiency.

I am using FF soil and FF nuts, but I have only been dosing at 25% for tiger bloom. I suspect I need to up the tiger bloom for more potassium.

I should also add that my runoff just now was 950 and the PH is 6.45.

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@RS3Driver i would agree with potassium or phosphorus. I would up your feeding of both since she will be needing both for the big push.



:point_up_2: perfect numbers for my grows. I would recommend targeting 1000-1200/6.5 for soil. Mix a gallon of the trio at full strength and check the PPMs if over 1200 reduce that with water, PH to 6.5 and feed to liberal run off and check the numbers. You may be alternating feed and water days depending on your run off numbers. The FF line of nutrients are salt heavy…the run off is critical to keep a healthy root zone :love_you_gesture:


Awesome info guys. I think they are going to be aok.

I do hope to move away from FF after these 4 finish. Amazing how much there is to learn.

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