What am I looking at here

Just to clarify, “target ppm” is the feeding ppm, or is this a runoff level for the 500 scale? If it’s a feeding ppm, the runoff should be what’s in the “700 ppm” column, or is the “700 ppm” column only there as a reference because “target ppm” is for the 500 scale ? How is this read? “Ec” is the runoff measurement I assume. Thank you

Most tds pens will use either the 500 scale or the 700 scale and should denote it on the screen. If not use the chart below to determine which it is. Set it EC if it reads 1.0 then ppms are 500 you know its set on 500 scale. Or if ec is 1.0 and reads 700 same concept. Input and runoff should be read using the same scale.

Awesome. I understand. So the other small chart is referencing runoff numbers and not feeding numbers.

Perfect. Thank you

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