Well that’s new

Yesterday was day one for hardening off, all of these gals spent two hours in the shade. All plants went to bed happy; woke up this morning to two plants praying like cRaZy:

I planned on putting them out for 4 hours today. None of them are scheduled for water, but I’m wondering if I should. :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:
Ignore that moisture meter, you can’t see that lol.
Incase you’re wondering the light is a 4’ 8 bulb agrobrite T5, 10” above tallest.


Temps are 64-72 at the tops of the plants, 64-66 at the roots.

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Some happy plant you have there. I’d water only if they look like they need it. You’re off to a really good start for the outdoor season.

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Thanks bud, so no need to worry about the prayers of those two?

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Only praying to the light gods!

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I guess it could be in for a stretch/growth spurt. Usually, they’re kinda droopy the night before but wtf do I know lol

Cool man, thanks for the encouraging words.

They can definately grow pretty fast outdoor. Even my smallest outdoor plant is bigger than any of my indoor plants. I average four feet tall but have had a few reach almost ten feet.

Good luck with the grow. @Northerlit If you need help with anything feel free to tag me. I’d be happy to help.

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Agree they are happy this morning. Praying is usually accompanied by rapid growth.

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Yeah, this is my third year but I’m always learning, and changing. Previously, I used promix and liquid nutes; this year I went with a premade super soil. Looking forward to mostly just watering, and using tea’s until flower. Then adding fish bone meal to boost P.
Hoping for a nice warm, dry summer, last year was garbage.
Anyway, thanks for the clarification & help. Much appreciated! :+1:t3:

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Excellent! I’ll be raising my lights tonight then :slightly_smiling_face:

My growing techniques are always changing. I went from ff nutes to homemade super soil and now using a living soil. The living soil is giving me the best results so far. Something I stumbled on while reaching a good source of k is langbeinite. It also adds magnesium and sulfur to the soil. The sulfur is great for increasing the terpenes.

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Also, my plants average 6-7’ in 20 gal smart pots, and that’s after topping twice. I also had been using clones, this year however, I got some bombass seeds that should thrive in my northeastern climate. Excited to see the difference this year. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

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I’m in Vermont. My outdoor season is alway too short. I understand needing to grow something that finishes early.

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Honestly, I’m not sure if the soil I’m using is living or just organic but I’ve got a handful of like minded individuals that have said they have noticed a huge difference in their end product vs the promix liquid nute road.
This is what I’m using this year:

Like I keep saying, I’m excited to see the difference between clone vs good fem seeds, and promix/liq nutes & this soil. Hoping for good things :crazy_face:

I’m in Maine… so… I hear yeah lol

I’ve seen that soil but never used it. I’ve used the lobster compost they make and like the results.

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Well it’s not cheap, I need two 1.5 cu ft bags to fill a 20gal, at 30$ a bag x 6 pots, you get what I’m saying lol :rofl:

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Not to mention I popped too many seeds and having trouble deciding who lives and who lives a less charmed life.

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I feel you on the price tag. That’s another reason I like the living soil. I’m on the third grow using the same pot. Saves me some money. All I have to do is top dress nutrients a little before I flip the lights or as the start to stretch.

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