Wedding cake harvest?


I am a fairly new grower with 1 year. I noticed in my recent grow a wedding cake autoflower. The plant is growing a bit weird ? where it started flowering early and today week 10 completed. The plant has lots of red hairs. I attach pic. I am ready to harvest the plant even though the buds aren’t thick.


Have you checked trichomes yet?


Needs to be more like “all red hairs” then check trichomes to zero in on harvest day. It should fatten up some more.

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Yes. I have a jewelers glass where I Che k trichomes. Trichomes are clear to my eyes. It just seems like a lot of red for being in week 10.

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Personally going off your pics i feel lioe you have a week or two left them need to swell up still impo


Thanks. I’m giving them the 1-2 additional weeks

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