Still no trichomes! wth!

What it do? Wedding cake is 90 days into flower with no trichomes. What gives?


Welcomed to the community @rjsr4111

Still white pistils, need more time
Is time to feed bloom

Happy growing :green_heart::christmas_tree::+1:

It’s an Auto, and I have already harvested and in the curing proc. 3 others that were planted at the same time. Planted beginning Nov. just harvested 5 more that were planted mid Dec.

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So this is very weird.
My only guess is some sorta mutation or ruderalis trait preventing trichome production :thinking:
And that is just a guess my friend.
But ivam definitely following this thread.

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Im curious, what does it smell like and is it sticky at all if you mess with it any?

Slightly sticky and smells a clean lemony fragrance.

and I do literally mean a clean fresh smell, not at all like any other.

So I’ve been searching the internet and there is a few samples of others but no real answers of whats going on. I cant seem to find any “known” genetic mutations that cause this.
90days is a good bit of time and it looks healthy and massive.
Theres really no trichomes at all even under magnification?

Once upon a time, I trimmed many many white hairs for a single glass-pipe hit.


A few here and there, they look like pimples on a leaf.


Some just take longer. Still a ways out. 90 days counting from first sign of change probably should be 3 weeks less.more like 75. I have an Amnesia auto still weeks away. 2 of 4 diff strains chopped planted same day. 1 of my lemon down…other lemon slow and still up. 2 weeks so far. She has another week. If no trichs when hairs browning i would go hmmmm.


That’s going to be a bad buzz, heart racing and paranoid from immature buds. That had at least 2-3 weeks left. :love_you_gesture:

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I may be wrong but i think he said he harvested a few others that was started with and after it, but i dont think he has harvested the one in question yet.

A misplaced period kind breaks up the flow and kinda makes it seem like he harvested this one.
But if you read it over looking the period, it reads a little differently and flows better…

@rjsr4111 can clarify for us though…

Have you choped this one or is it still growing?

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No i have not chopped it yet, still growing with white pistils. And that is correct on the fact that 8 plants have been harvested since the birth of this one, planted 4, 3 are in the curing process that were planted at the same time.


Gotcha :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:

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@rjsr4111 Since you said it was slightly sticky, that means you DO have trichomes and here is the proof.

Look closely at the 2 red circles. Trichomes everywhere. Especially the bottom circle. Its just getting started. Congrats…:+1::+1::+1:


Good eye @MrPeat.

@rjsr4111 you are officially trichome positive. No need for PCR test. Ha


What is the correct growing term ?


Pistil is the white hair. It comes up out of the calyx. Becomes a bract if the pistil gets pollinated.


What do you think? Found this…

Rare mutations can cause an auto to act weird and show traits of a photoperiod. This is why some people say if your auto isn’t flowering just flip to 12/12 and see how she reacts. Sometimes it just takes a few days to kick her into the flowering period, sometimes it’ll require 12/12 throughout the entire period.

An auto is created by crossing with a photoperiod with a ruderalis, so it’s natural to have these rare mutations that can cause the plant to lean on traits of a photoperiod rather than the intended ruderalis trait (time in the sun), however there’s definitely more going on here lol…

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