Water schedule for autoflowers?

Wow thanks for that reply. I have some girls going in some Natures living soil with FFOF. I mixed it per their “super soil” instructions so I’m not sure mine actually qualifies as a true living soil? Essentially they tell you to do a certain volume of living soil concentrate and potting soil mixed together in bottom 1/3 of pot, then just top with potting soil to the top. Not sure if you’re familiar with that technique.

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I am not. I use a product called Earth Dust. The gentleman whose thread i pointed to got me into it. Several of us have great stress free success with it. The company also makes some superior lights. The Green Sunshine Company.

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I will definitely check that out. I’ve been basically totally hands off with my stuff as well up until a couple days ago when I had a cal mag issue. I just did a mini flush that they say should help it pull it out. I will admit I neglected always Ph my water because I read it wasn’t quite as important with living soil and I had been getting water from the same artesian well in a local state park.

My main love is the no ph worry. Our reservoir spikes. I get lazy. Now who cares…:grin:

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I really love how that company talks about how you don’t need to ph your water. Customer support for natures living soil instructed me to do the mini flush with 6.5 ph water. I don’t even have a reader so I just did it with my house water which I know from a recent water test was higher than the spring. I’m going to try this earth dust next! Thanks for the tip.

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That company has top level customer service. Top. Great folk.

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When starting in fresh organic soil it is not necessary to get any run off. There shouldn’t be any dry salt buildup that needs to come out. If growing all organic, I see no need for run off at all for that matter. I hope this helps.

What is an artesian well?

It’s a well drilled into an aquifer underground that flows constantly without a pump.

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Thank you. I was thinking something very different.

I never water to runoff as I’m growing using organic nutes and HF. One thing I’m not sure of is the HF actually considered organic?

I watered to runoff last night and it was quite easy, I did about 3/4ths of a litre only because I watered earlier yesterday morning and didn’t want to overwater. I think watering till runoff is supposed to rinse out some salts and allow the roots to grow farther down.

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I do it here and there simply to make sure all soil moist. The pots suck it right up 5 minutes later. Living soil.