Want to start a new seed and was wondering why

When it does I’d like to take your advise and put it in final home, a 7 gallon earth bag with coco. A little concerned about watering a seedling in a 7 g bag! @JaneQP any advise and tips for that?

Outer ring around the plant a couple inches out. Watering this way brings water close but not directly to their roots. Allows them to search for the water.

I saw that hit the same time as GreenSnek, the advice offered I use as well.

I dome in solo cups with the same custom coco blend the girls will be moved to. The 7 gallons I transferred to were when my girls were already good for a transplant.

I played with starting one in a 7 gallon to gauge if it would be better, the blend I use saturates quickly, while expanding outwards down. So I found running water around a circle 1.75-2.5” out was enough for water to just barley touch the roots. It worked well but for my blend I have found it’s been easier leaving in a cup as I only need 16oz of water for each to last the week. Trying to find a mix I liked I found many different coco blends will saturate and dry differently.

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I have not popped seeds yet but my clone supplier is setting up shop in another State so I will be growing from seeds this Spring.

What I have read need they need very little water as seedlings and get their moisture from the air. Some put a clear container over the seedling like a dome with air holes and mist the inside of the dome.

After first real leaves show, start watering in a ring outside of the plants leaves to encourage the roots to grow to seek the water. I read one post that said 1/2 a shot glass to start.

There are some great grow journals out there and amazing growers! I only have two indoor grows and one outdoor grow under my belt but have improved each grow thanks to this forum.

Use the search function with terms Ike “growing from seed”, “watering seedlings” etc. and you will get a list of related posts. Also ILGM has some great grow guides on the main site.

This Spring I will be asking you questions!


I keep hearing about starting in solo cups but I worry that the coco/root won’t hold up for a transfer to the final home. Will it? Also what do you dome the cup with?

I have used both 16oz and 1L cups. What I have learned is that once you saturate the coco well, that should be it. If you have a good run off you will be fine to drop them in that way.

I adopted the method of dropping a seed in around 2oz water with a cap of hydrogen peroxide. After 24 hours no matter what dump the seed and water into the coco. Lightly sprinkle some more coco over any hole made cover with a clear cup or ziplock bag and wait.

It needs to remain warm, a few degrees over ambient is good for them. But this method hasn’t failed with any seeds I’ve started.

As for the roots, my blend has mycobacterium in it. This is what helps the root development and transplant. I started to mix it with my coco before use. This blend has also worked quite well for all my clones.

What worked for me was experimenting before trying. I played around with other seeds and coco available here.

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You all are the bomb! I would’ve already dropped out of this game by now if it weren’t for you! Thank you so much. I dropped the seed and shot of water in a solo cup with a baggie dome! I take everything you all have said.



I thought I would share this for you. Keep in mind as I am still new as well so my process is working for me but that’s not to say it’s best or works for everyone.

I need Indica more than Sativa, so I am running all Indica in 7G pots. The clones or seedlings I start are placed into these cups, their size is equal to the height of the pots.

I use them so I can let the girls be more controlled on their nutrients and water this small. I had issues with that my first run, but I was also using soil.

This is a clipping I took over the weekend. As it’s a clone the only change I add is I give a Myco nutrient mix solution to wet the coco before the clone goes in.

For seeds i don’t do this as my coco has many of the mycobacterium in it already. But for the clones I want a boost around the shaved stems along with the clonex gel.

I already see roots developing from her and her twin.

When I transplant the larger cups, I place one in the fabric pot and fill it with my coco blend. When I remove the girl from the cup, I cut the lower roots if they were balled up or looked to be damaged. I would then add the same Myco powder to the cut areas with a brush and drop in. The first feeding I do I add supplements for roots.

Each of these were done that way. None of them experienced transplant shock or stress after their transition. They are around 7 weeks now.

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Well my BNC is a no-show so far. 4 days in a solo cup with a baggie tent and misting 3 times a day in darkness and nothing! What am I missing?


This seems excessive. Is this a seed you’re germinating?

Yes, in soil. Soaked 24 hrs and then solo cup with baggie on top since then. 4 days

In soil this can cause there to be too much water. Soil doesn’t drain as well as coco the seed might be drowning.

My process, doesn’t mean it’s best.

Soak seed in distilled water roughly 3oz

Add cap full hydrogen peroxide

Soak 24 hours. Regardless of tap root.

Pour cup and seed into a solo cup with coco, lightly cover the hole created with fresh coco sprinkle

Place the cup in a warm place (veg tent) with a cup over or bag, and wait. I won’t add anymore water till the seedling sprouts and looks like the coco is dry.

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With light or dark?

When the seed is just in water I keep it 10 degrees warmer than ambient temp and keep dark and covered.

Once in its medium and a dome I keep it under light 18/6

Also I only germinate my seeds in ProMix Moisture Potting. Once they are ready for transplant they get the full coco blend I make.

Done. Thanks!:sunglasses:

I have used both of those exact products on clones in the past. I am planning on putting 5 seeds that have split open and are showing small tails (less than 1/8 inch long). One of the 5 has not yet split open.

I will put the 4 “split” seeds in the pellets just under the surface. So fingers crossed on these seeds. I will take pics when I put them in the pellets… I use the pellets since I have them on hand and they have worked for me in the past , but not on germinating seeds.

I have used borh. Still use pellets. 11 out if 12 clones made it last round. I also put a seed directly in a pellet sideways. No soaking. No paper towel. Straight in. Does it work? Look and see. Lost maybe 5-10%. If.

Well the sad news is that the 1 seed I had did not make it! Thanks to you all for the information.amd recommendations it’ll come in handy on my next germination attempt!