Okay, I figured I better get some advice before more bad things happen. I have five plants living and in six inch pots, but its taken me 12 seeds to get there. I first started seven seeds many weeks ago in water for 24 hours, one seed never opened up and one seed swelled slightly but never grew once places in peat pellets, one of those containers that have a clear plastic lid, and even then I had problems with the five, I thought I didn’t have them deep enough. I went to do some replacements twice, once with three wet peat pellets only for germinating, and two more in wet paper towel. Both times I put them in peat pellets a little deeper so they wouldn’t start growing at the surface like the first time I had to carefully put several in a deeper hole, root and all, so these last times I put everything in deeper in the peat pellets. I use distilled water and the ph is 6 on everything. Using the white widow seeds I bought of buy ten get ten free, etc recently, and I haven’t added any booster or anything cause those are still in transit. I mean, I have experience with starting vegetables from seeds, but its almost like these didn’t want to grow, maybe it is from distilled neutral water, or maybe I planted the seeds too far in the peat, or maybe I kept the peat too wet. I waited a week and I uncovered the seeds and saw they had started but stopped. I have another seed in water to try to get me to my allowed number of plants, nothing so far after twelve hours, will know by tonight if it swells open for germinating. I think my next step would be to open bottled drinking water for 24 hour soak.
“Support Ticket” into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA
Strain; White Widow (FEM)
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco? Germanating peat pellets
System type? soil
PH of runoff or solution in reservoir? 6
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS Not there yet
Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Light system, size? One starter bulb of t5 four foot long
Temps; 65-75
Humidity; about 16% in the room but higher inside the starter container
Ventilation system; NOT applicable
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,:NA
Co2; Yes, No:A
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you