Bad seeds or bad technique?

I have been growing off and on for 4 years, and typically have an 80% germination rate growing from peat pellets. Recently I obtained 20 seeds from a seedbank (10 GSC, 10 AK47, all autos). I picked 5 of each and started them in Jiffy(c) peat pellets (yes, the brand name product). None of them sprouted, I tossed them after 2.5 weeks. The second bundle of seeds I soaked in filtered water for 48 hours and then placed into peat pellets and still had none sprout.

I’ve since purchased seeds from ILGM rather than the former seedbank, but have not started them yet.

Given my luck in the past I am hoping that I just got bad seeds, has anyone else had such a string of bad luck before?


I’ve had 100% germination rate with a shot glass of distilled/ro water and a capful of hydrogen peroxide from every seed bank I’ve ordered from. I’ve had success with placing germinated seeds in jiffy pellets but they just do much better in soil, in my experience. I’ve never tried germinating in soil or jiffy pots so don’t have any data for that.


So do you soak them in the shotglass with the combination liquid? For how long?

Many thanks

Yep. I pour in a capful of H2O2 into a shot glass and fill the rest with distilled or RO water. I place it in a warm place and cover it with an opaque solo cup. Typically a tail has sprung within 24hrs. Some have gone 48 hours. If no tail after 48hrs I’ll place it in a damp paper towel and place that in a ziplock bag until a tail does spring. I’ve only had one that has taken that long and that was my last germination. It was a Jack Herer that took a total of 54 hrs to germinate.


My method is 12 hour soak in 1/2 C water with 1.5 tsp hydrogen pyroxide then I fold them in a paper towel moisten with that solution and put it under a bowl in a warm area for 24 hours of pure darkness 100% rate with that with a 1/2in tap root. Tap water works fine for me but mine is ph 7.3 so you may want to lower it if it’s innately much higher.



Thanks again, I’ve had great success by adding hydrogen peroxide!


So how does the peroxide help?

Adds oxygen to the water so if the seed cracks the tap root has some oxygen.