Wakyme1200led info

So someone gave me two of these lights and I was just wondering if anybody has any opinions on them or knows anything about them, he said they worked good for him but I’m just wondering as far as to the height it should be at and if I should always have both switches on and all of that I think I got it understood for the most part but I just wanted to get opinions

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How many watts does the light draw from the wall? I expect the light is sufficient for 1 plant.

Yes. These type of lights are underpowered, so the plant will need all of the wattage you can give it.

Get the Photone app (it’s free) and measure the PPFD at the canopy. Minimum PPFD requirements are:

Seedling: 300 PPFD
Veg: 600 PPFD
Flowering: 800 PPFD

If you cannot achieve 600 to 800 PPFD at the plant’s canopy you will need more lighting.

@MidwestGuy yeah I tried the photon app before I just have a s***** phone and don’t believe it works. But I have two of these lights in a 250 w HPS in my flower room I was going to combine all three along with some other lights I have around

You should be good with 3 of them for 2 plants. Watch for heat issues. HPS and these types of LEDs produce a lot of heat. Make sure that you have good airflow in your grow space.

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This is how the flower room looks, see the HPS I have up top, I was going to move that to the center and put one of these lights on each side. Or should I position them going the other way? Thoughts on setting up?

Position them such that you have maximum PPFD at the canopy of the plants.

I grew both of these from start to finish under that one 250 Watt HPS light

@MidwestGuy how about positioning in a triangle shape?

Go for it. I run 3 HLG 135 panels above each of my plants in a triangle formation. The ~400 watts gives the plant 1,100 PPFD at the canopy.

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@MidwestGuy can you show me how you did yours

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@MidwestGuy oh, run them that close together?

As necessary to maximize PPFD at the canopy.

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@MidwestGuy I was thinking I could run another bar the way I did the HPS light and do it like that but should I not maximize the space that I have

Okay. I’m confused about what you might be trying to say. You aren’t lighting a space. You are lighting the canopy of your plants. Have I misunderstood what you are saying?

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Let me clarify a little more:

If you intend on area lighting for your grow space, then go with ~40 to 45 watts per square foot of grow space for the proper PPFD, but that assumes that you have the entire space covered with cannabis canopy.

If you are growing 1 or 2 plants, then 200 watts per plant is a suggested minimum.

Sorry, not trying to make things complicated. Just trying to help you maximize your results with some technical detail.

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@MidwestGuy all right I see what you’re saying

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