Lighting Question about distance and power

Hey all. have a question about lighting & power.

I have my LED light high up in the tent, almost at the roof of the tent. If i need to supply light to seedlings, can I keep my light that high up even if the seedlings are getting 250-300 PPFD?

Can i keep my LED high up out of the way and adjust the light dimmer to make sure the canopy is getting the correct PPFD / Lux., or will i be forced to lower the LED light 24 inches above the canopy?


Both are options really. Lights light. Just takes a considerable amount of watts to reach the DLI during flowering if you keep it high.

Ppfd looks high for seedlings at that height. You want 180-230ish if you’re doing 24 hour light.

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Thanks, i can adjust the dimmer to lower it to 200. Waiting for the seeds to pop, then i will give them the light.

One advantage of LED’s over older lighting is the ability to put lights down close to canopy. This provides better illumination and penetration into the plant. I normally run my lights within 8" of the canopy top for this reason.


I can try that once the seeds pop. i don’t want to get light stress/burn. As long as i can dial in the correct ppfd at 8", 12", 24" should be ok.

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Stick the seedlings in the corners. They will grow fine. I run fully mixed tents. Auto/photo/seedlings/clones at once. When i flip i either move younguns out and leave mature photo and auto. Or ill train the mature photo short and let younguns catch up a bit then flip. Can also seed to harvest auto and photo on 12/12. Smaller photo but bigger than you would think.

I also run pretty darn close.