So, I wanted to clone my ‘very late’ Skywalker OG. She’s at day 60, and will be coming down in days. Someone on reddit suggested that I should clone her. (sidenote: reddit REALLY hates ILGM for some odd reason.) The thing is, I want to do it but its my first time cloning anything. In addition, I still have another plant that is not quite ready to harvest, so I cannot use my tent at the moment after harvesting Skywalker. Should I even attempt cloning at this point? Here’s the flower and the tools to start.
I use clonex very good product you could also trim plant revg it then clone it
Look up monster cropping. I’ve done it but not that late in flower.
It takes time for them to set roots and complete the re-veg process.
Re-veg complete. New growth
As @beardless said it’s called monster cropping l say do it it’s fun makes a freaky looking plant for about a month
For cloning a flowering plant, pick a small branch with a small bud. Use the Root Riot plugs. Be very careful when using domes, and don’t let the little bud on the clone stay damp it will cause mold. I have had best success by leaving the clone uncovered, and misting it once a day. Put it back under 18 hour duration and keep the light level low, about 15 DLI for about 10 days. After you see roots coming out of the plugs, you can transplant into something larger. Leave uncovered for about another 10 days, at about 20-25DLI, or until they start to stretch out some at the old bud site.
I really appreciate the advice!
That looks killer I would totally monster crop that!
I’m really hoping that I could get a successful clone!
One way to find out!!!
Im going to do something like this as well… I have a great gold leaf/zkittles about ready… Instead of cuttings, I’m going to harvest everything but the tiny popcorn buds down at the bottom trunk… It’ll be a stump… I’ll dig up the roots, and trim them as well, repotting to a much smaller pot… I’m sure It’ll take 6/8wks to get that bud to flip back to veg, but the roots are there to transport nutrients now.
Good luck on your cuttings!
She an auto then?
No, shes photo. I should have mentioned that, she’s day 60 from flower.
Since she is a photo you should be able to clone it. If you need more info about how to cut a clone, let me know.
A couple of things that I have learned about reveging a plant along the way. And why not try both reveg and cloning?
You will need to leave about 20% of the bottom of the plant, or you run the chance of shocking it to death. This will leave the roots active enough to handle the change.
If you do a thorough flush before harvest, it will be very hard to being that plant back. After you have just literally starved it. If you you plan to reveg, you may want to skip the flush, and introduce a little nitrogen back to the soil just before or at harvest.
Thanks for the input. I did not flush this time around. Rather, let me say like this… I’ve been using nutrients throughout the whole grow and I’ve been tapering off by late flower. But I didn’t do the flush for 2 weeks. I should go ahead and try revegging as well.
Of course that is up to you. But it may double your chances of keeping the plant’s genes going.
I have had a plant that reveged just enough that I was able to get a clone cut from the new growth. Just before the the plant died off.
Wish i could share pics…
I have 2 girls that i just threw back into veg and would make for a good description of what people are saying…
I clone all the time , lots of info here on the subject…
They don’t really need much of anything when you throw them back into veg , minimal water and in the corner off to the side of the light and an 18 on and 6 off light cycle and thats about it…
When i was growing in soil i never had any issues …
Now im a water only grower , no rocks , no soil , no nothing …
just … water and nutrients and airstones with neoprene collars for plant support and thats it…
This was the first time i have revegged my plant’s growing this way…
I just wanted to keep the strain around just incase i didn’t like some of the new stock that i am running…
But actually , it seems that its been even easier to do it this way because i can watch the roots change and start to look healthy again even before i see any improvement up top…
Either way , have fun with it and try all kinds of crazy stuff …
Lots of great people and good info here…
Just ask…
Im new here so everything i look at or read is way old but ive still been commenting on most things, the reason i read this is i was curious about the light cycle ( ive never cloned indoors) i use branches that i cut off on the bottom that weren’t gonna make any good buds , ive had 50 -60 % success use my method for outdoor cloning , 1st cut the branch where you can remove leavs or branches from at least 2 nodes , with a razor cut down the main stem on both sides of the node like you were shaving it , dip the stem in water so the powder sticks to it then dip in in you clonex or whatever you use ( i use rootone ) . Poke a hole in the dirt of the planter you are using just slightly bigger than the main stem of the clone, place the clone in the dirt close to the bottom set of leaves gently pack the soil , not to much and put in the light, the plant looks rough for a little while but as i said earlier some will survive, its probably not the best technique for cloning but it does work
I cloned during flowering , and while it worked it took so long to reveg it was way quicker to start a seed. Clonex is amazing oh if you clone during veg it is so quick to have many plants.