I’m wanting to clone some of my bigger plants, but idk if this one is starting to flower/ flirting with the idea of flowering/ or just showing me her sex.
Is it too late try take a few cuttings from her to try to clone? Any info or advice would be mucho appreciated.
Oh sweet - see, just one more article that I haven’t read, yet. And I’ve read so much the past few months, it felt like college all over again. But this time, the learning is a Lot more fun and enticing
Thanks for the link!
Actually, this time I pay serious attention to all unknowns.
Learned cloning 40 years ago. Now 40 years too late.
Never too late for clones.
Smoking the failures is a consolation.
Borrowed from forum contributor @Hellraiser
@MidwestGuy does monster cropping affect potency in your opinion? Something ive been interested in but im not willing to sacrifice quality for quantity.
They say monstercropping can degrade some of traits, i personally have had good luck but its best to clone b4 flower and determine which cuttings (from which plants) to keep later on. Monstercropping will take a while. Last one i did took 4 weeks just to show its still alive. But the growth is crazy after the fact, hence the word monstercrop