So I am in Flower. Week 5.
I know it’s late, but have read some great success stories on late flower stage cloning.
I’m willing to take the risk, but had a question about the cutting.
Does the cut HAVE to come from a Node branch off of the main stalk?
Or can it be cut from an offshoot like the one pictured below?
@Zee @GreenFlex @MrPeat @Hellraiser
And anyone else who may reply!
Looking forward to the replies! Appreciate everyone!
Going to sit this one out. Curious if MrPeat does clone. Great question!
@Zee preciate ya homie…
Yeah hard to find any information on this type of cutting. I’m hoping this type of cutting will root. But if it needs to be a node branch then so be it
No I don’t clone. I tried once and since it was on a 12/12 it flowered pretty fast. Which defeated what I was trying to do.
Clones you need a 18/6 and since my plants was late in the flower cycle, I kept the 12/12.
I just took off a branch near the base. So if you clone, make sure you can do 18/6z
Thanks @MrPeat.
I can do 18/6. I’m gonna try it. Never know till ya try! Updates soon I guess!
You’re welcome…you got this.
Ok…did it.
I did not take a Node branch. I took two offshoots that were strong and thick-ish.
Razor blade cut, 45d angle, immediately into water. PH was 6.57. Then Immediately into a rooting gel. Coco coir medium. Removed mature leaves, and trimmed all other leaves.
Sitting in a humidity dome. Only time will tell.
Thanks for the support!!!
Good luck! I’ve taken cuttings in late flowering and had no problem getting them to root and revert back to vegging, I use 24/0 light for that. Any branch/stem with a growth tip or bud at this point is fine.
Appreciate it Sir! @Hellraiser I finally found an article stating exactly what you said: any branch can produce a root. That’s when I just said F it, I’m doin it. Gonna keep them on 24 for at least first, 2-3 days. Do more research and go from there. Thanks
strangly, cannabis has an odd but understandable adaption. It seems the lower the branch, the easier it is to clone? The reason is that in nature, the lower branches tend to drape down to the earth. Leaves and dirt cover the branch and root forms there. I researched this topic when I decided to Air layer my plants. This phenomenon is not exclusive to cannabis.
Awesome, interesting topic,
mind if I join the party?
Awesome man, thank you!
Yeah, I can remember my grandmother taking cuttings from her tomatoes and roses, and just throwing them in dirt hahah. She knew the old school ways, no rooting gels, no prep, just snip and sow. She could however tell you the exact phase of the moon, and any other info off the top of her head.
That’s a really cool @Cannabian !
The air layering makes kinda new offshoots, or even new plants by wrapping it with moisture?? Something like this?
The two cuttings were under 185w lighting all night. I’ve got them out in the early morning sun to keep as much light on them as possible.
Current weather conditions are just about right on for clones.
I’ll need to bring them back in around 10am.
Will start pushing mid 80’s and then to 90’s.
The one on the left looks “droopy”, but that’s due to the weight of the bud. The stem is really nice a firm in the medium, no wiggle at all.
Watching with interest. I fully intend to clone my girls when the time is right. I just hadn’t decided to go standard or monster… Or maybe a few of each - gives me mothers and options…
I have never done either so the learning curve is steep!
Hey @Budz420 welcome!
Happy growing! And def good luck if you do!!
Yes, the best option for cloning, (for first time cloning) is: Do your research before you cut, which I’m sure you’ve done.
Take several, you’re going to have loss.
( I chose two cuts, because I only have one female, and I am late into flower, so didn’t wanna hurt her too bad).
and all the usual, temp, light, RH blah blah.
The clones love high humidity, I’m talking 90% if you can achieve it. Moisture keeps the cut from wilting. The cuts can only feed from their branch, so they need all the moisture they can get.
If you do it…tag me please. Would like to watch yours as well! Good luck!
I’ve done the monster cropping and it was nuts. I had no idea what I was doing. Main stem snapped while flowering so I stuck it in a pot and rooted it. Turned out some nice colas but looked so odd.
I was away looking for a picture of her
Hey @Davyg, hope all is well.
Yeah there are so many horror stories, that can dissuade you from trying at all. Glad you had success! I plan on only growing 1 to 2 plants at any given time, since I’m in an illegal.
So I’m learning as much as I can and “experimenting” as much as possible.
And as usual, amazing support from ILGM!
Thanks mate - definitely will! And thanks for the welcome.
I have 3 clones in veg now. Going top to and SCROG - so hoping to have plenty of cloning material.
I have a cloning tent (in set up) that should house 9 veg/ 9 monsters. In my hazy mind; grow these three out, take clones, monsters should be ready for reflowering around the same time I pull the girls - flower 45 monsters. As the monsters flower, I have 4-5 veg clones thickening and ready to go…
It’s a 4 x 4 tent and my first time - but I’m not going to die wondering!
Thanks again for taking an interest!
Going to need some serious training!
All is well here thank you. I’m illegal as well and just love experimenting with clones etc. The knowledge these guys have is off the scale. I feel like I’m sitting an Open University degree in plant biology with the amount of knowledge I’ve gained here. Hope all is well with you and yours