Should i go with a 4inch or 6 inch system for a 36x36x73 tent ?
Sorry for all the posts yaw have seen from me
Should i go with a 4inch or 6 inch system for a 36x36x73 tent ?
Sorry for all the posts yaw have seen from me
Six inch
Yep, 6 inch.
I have a 10x10 tent with a 8” carbon filter exhaust, thinking about adding a second one with only one outtake fan, do y’all think it’s over kill?
Meant with only 1 intake fan
6inch is the way to go my friend happy growing
I have a 3x3 and went with a 4".
I would get the 6" for sure. I will be swapping out as soon as this one quits.
I like to go bigger and it works less hard and gives you that extra in case you need it. I use an AC infinity exhaust, and love it, and its DC so its electrical draw is negligible
More exhaust the better
Determine how much CFM you’d like to move. Is it an exhaust or intake as well? Exhaust will need to be higher CFM than an intake. A 3’x3’x6’(relative)=54 cubic feet of space (give or take with the amount of equipment,plant size, etc.).
If you can exchange the air in said space 3 times per minute you are in a decent range.
54x3=162 CFM air volume. Don’t forget to factor in any hoses that may be connected and any 90 degree/45 degree/etc. bends in said piping. Those will cut down on the amount of volume able to flow through.