Helloooo All… First I gotta say Im thank you for the wealth of information on weed growing here. This stuff has come a long way since my first use in 1968.
I bought a White Widow autoflower.kit and have been trying to germinate 9 seeds per RB’s video instruction… drop seeds in lukewarm water and place in darlness until tadpoles about an inch form then move to soil. Most have created too tiny to practically see so Im wondering what to do since they seem to be stunted?
Should I add a tad of stage 1 seedling booster to the water or may place them in Jiffy peat pellets and put in the dark like I do with microgreens?
All advice is welcome… looling forward to your advice offerings. Thanks!
Up to 2 days in damp toilet paper placed in a ziplock bag.
Make sure to check that the paper towels and or toilet paper stays moist. You don’t want it to dry out ir you can lose your seeds for good.
Once 1/2” tap root I place directly into their forever home. I don’t have to worry about transplant shock. Its real and sucks if they can’t bounce back.
I go between 1/4” to 1/2” down into the soil. Make sure the place you put the seed is damp.
Now I put a clear dome over the seed area and spray twice a day till the leaves touch the sides of the dome. Pull dome and watch the magic happen.
At the seedling stage the plant and or plants get their water through the leaves. Well till the roots take over and do the uptake.
Did u put in damp paper towels? once they are ready You could put them in soil with a clear cup over them like a terrarium and spray the inside of cup.
I do what they all say above except i keep on top of my grow tent while the lights are on Nd the heat makes it a perfect environment. Happy growing. Ive also ran many beans by just placing just beneath the soil very loosy and had great success 95 percent of the time and if they didnt sprout it was do to my error most likely. Good luck and welcome @Pyrate
Thanks everyone… yes I did notice when first placing seeds in water that the bob… next day I tapped them and they sank to the bottom. I waited 96 hours and only got 1/8" taps… took them out and put them in a squeezed out paper towel then in ziplock and in container and back to the dark. No luck… added 5 more to tap water and back into the dark. Its been another 96 hours and not much of a tap on the first 4 or the second 5. Since the seeds come with replacement guarantee I may try different methods with the other 9 seeds.
Just thinking… sometimes erratically… I guess it comes down to cultivating GMO seeds… lol… cannabis is exactly what it’s called… weed so it should be as easy to grow as broadcasting wildflower seeds which are weeds as well.
Thank you all again for the advice, it really is appreciated. I’ll continue to ask and learn.
I use make up removel pads just the cotton pads i put two pads on a plate i spray them down with water i place my seeds on the pads then i place a pad on top of each pad and spray down the pad then i cover with plastic wrap and i put two small holes in the plastic wrap then i place in a dark place it normal takes 24-36 hours for the seeds to pop i dont soak my seeds i believe that soaking them drowns the seed in my opinion i get 100% strike rate when i use this method .have a look on YouTube for germinating seeds on make up removel pads
I put in jar with water and couple squirts peroxide. 2 days good tail and into solo for root build. Final home when good roots. Putting in a paper towel i guess works but WHY after tap has shown would you do that. Just curious for you guys that sprout a tail then go to paper.
Drop seeds in water for 24hr after that place them in a folded damp paper towel inside of a ziplock or tubberware container leave a crack for air exchange and check back in 24hr i typically have a tap root after 48hr but ypu can leave in the paper towel till you have a tap root 1/2in to 3/4in long then place in your soil with this method i have a 100% germination rate bigest thing is dont allow them to sink you want tje beans to only float on the wayer surface after 24hr in water the seeds can actually drown and become un viable its not a guaranteed thing but the longer the seeds are left in the water the higher chanve of them drowning goes up
In the past I’ve soaked them used the paper towel method added peroxide etc…
It all seems like to much.
I currently poke a hole in damp soil with a pencil and drop the seed. Then dome the area it was planted and 4-10 days later (depending on time of year) I have a seedling.
This lazy way has been the most successful for me.
Well I tried to revive the 9 seeds that sank with Jiffy peat pellets and the old damp paper towels in a Ziploc and in the dark. No luck. I believe the seeds had drowned.
So I bought a Ferry-Morse heat mat and a Grow Light, a 4" clay pot and organic Jiffy Seed Starting Mix, dampened the soil and put 5 seeds in the pot, misted with tap water, placed a black plastic lid on top and put it on the heat mat. Two days later 4 had popped the soil and are now under the grow light at about 2 inches below the light and are 2 inches straight and tall… monsters
Next step will be to decide which 2 to coddle. I am assuming these will all be White Widow “females” because they are autoflowering… am I correct?
What recommendations on forever pot size for each? They’ll be placed in my sunroom which has a magnetic due south exposure so lotsa diffused sun from east to west all day.
[quote=“Pyrate, post:1, topic:85571, full:true”]
Helloooo All… First I gotta say Im thank you for the wealth of information on weed growing here. This stuff has come a long way since my first use in 1968.
I bought a White Widow autoflower.kit and have been trying to germinate 9 seeds per RB’s video instruction… drop seeds in lukewarm water and place in darlness until tadpoles about an inch form then move to soil. Most have created too tiny to practically see so Im wondering what to do since they seem to be stunted?
Should I add a tad of stage 1 seedling booster to the water or may place them in Jiffy peat pellets and put in the dark like I do with microgreens?
All advice is welcome… looling forward to your advice offerings. Thanks!
Autoflowers can be regular seeds meaning they will be a male female mix
Feminized seeds will be female plants.
If they are ILGM seeds they are feminized as they don’t sell regular seeds. (Thought they used to)
Window grows don’t really do well. I would separate those seedlings now before the roots become entangled. Autos do ok in 3 gallon pots.
Yah i use the make-up removel pads and i place them in a cd case and place it on a warm cd player but normally 24-30 hours is normally what it takes for my seeds to pop
I know this is an old comment but I’m having problems getting several seeds to germinate. And I can’t find an email address or contact info on ilgm to see about exchanging them…lol. do you happen to know a contact point?
I put 2 of 3 lsd autos didn’t germinate and the same with the purple punch autos I just received. 2 out of 3 so far haven’t germinated…idk what the heck the problem is but damn
I just had to toss a male plant that was an ILGM fem seed. I don’t know if they replace seeds when it’s male the way they do if it doesn’t germinate. But, I also shrugged it off because I figured it can still happen.
There is something like a 1/1000 chance of the feminization process producing a male plant.
It does happen on occasion.
But ILGM only sells feminized seeds was my point in the context of the conversation.
Yes I think they will replace or give you some store credit.