Using jacks 321 with ro water

I may be wrong but this is what I see.

Part A 18g
Part B 12 g
Epsom 6g

In the convention 321 formula Epsom salt is 1.2 grams per gallon. Therefore if 6 grams is used that means it is a 5 gallon mix
Part A- 5 gallons X 3.6g / gallon = 18 grams used in 5 gallons
Part B = 5 X 2.4g/gallon = 12 grams total

This is the per gallon chart from Jacks

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Do i see per gallon here or am i misinterpreting @beardless. I seen what you see but that threw me off. I had to clarify.

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Yea i got to have a broken meter or something because im not getting anything over 1,000 ppm and its not constantly right but it floats within 25 ppm of each reading so i call that close but im still new to growing and this is my first run with jacks and yes i feed at 18 grams part a, 12 grams b, and 6 grams e as well using ro water so im purchase a new meter off amazon @beardless

grams per 5 gallons. 18 g part A, 12 g part B and 6 g Epsom

So I am running 3.6 g part A, 2.4 g part B and 1.2 g Epsom: this is the 3-2-1 recipe.

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You’re right: my bad. This is my total in a 5 gallon mix.

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I purchased a HM COM-80 TDS/EC/TEMP and sure enough with my jacks 321 im see now now ppm is 1030 thats insane how far i was off thank you all for yall help!

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When you are done with the PH meter, store it in 4.01 calibration solution or actual storage solution. This will prevent the glass bulb from cracking and ruining the meter.

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Yes i did that with my bluelab and like reglious took care of it because of how expensive it was and not even 2 months it wouldnt calibrate and i used their calibrations solution and stoarge solution and they wouldnt cover it had e-mails back and futher i purchased a dr.meter and i have had for almost 5 months now and calibrated it every month no problems! But i had a cheap ppm meter because i rarely used it but since switching to jacks i started using it and it wasnt adding up my plants keep burning or under feed

@Myfriendis410 but now using this new meter know my ec is at 2.1 and my ppm are 1030 how do you increase your feed to match their growing recommendations off of this chart

For example: higher TDS of solution mix for 5 gallons (18 12 6) into four gallons. That will bump it up 20%. Measure TDS and if it’s too high dilute down.

I simply follow the ratio of 3.6, 2.4, 1.2 grams per gallon and mix into my 130 ppm tap along with silica. That put me at 1,200 ppm in late veg. I always mix for five gallons as it’s convenient to do in buckets.

FYI fresh tapwater containing chlorine/chloramines: letting stand out will gas off the chlorine but any chloramines will remain. Adding a teaspoon of 3% peroxide to your bucket of water will attack and gas off ALL chlorine in minutes.


@Myfriendis410 i don’t use ro water I use tap water I have 3 2.5gal jugs that are always full and I always use the one that’s been sitting the longest. So if it’s empty today it will be used in around 2-3 weeks. Should I add peroxide to these still? My plants seem ok have minor issues. I never knew about the peroxide. Also would peroxide make it non-organic? Or hurt my microbes in anyway. I could live without it being non-organic as I’m using FFHF right now but next round I want to try to be 100 organic. Atleast to see if I like it. If peroxide would make it non-organic is there a solution for the choleamines that is organic. I plan to distill my own water for my organic grow when I do it but incase it don’t work I would like a backup :joy::man_shrugging:

Just curious my tap water is so high in ppm that I decided to use organic nutes. Seems more forgiving from what I’ve experienced so far. I never test ppm I just let my water set mix on the day I need and feed them. Thanks for any input you give.

Peroxide is ok for soil medium or for hydroponics preferably or both? And that goes for even if you use a small pump to oxygenate and get chlorine out, additionally add peroxide?

I do both: belt and suspenders. Peroxide binds the extra O atom to the chlorine and oxidizes it. It then gasses off. The peroxide, having lost an O atom becomes H2O. This occurs within minutes. So it’s fine for use with organic grows.

Peroxide is one of your best tools for keeping things clean and sanitized. I keep a pump sprayer full, and probably a gallon on hand.


Ok cool @Myfriendis410 i will start to use it!

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Awesome thanks! Appreciate the info!! :call_me_hand:

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