Hello guys and gals, everything was going well till I noticed this. I pulled her outside until I’m sure.
Wait for a pro to chime in before you do anything but I think that’s a healthy female with a swollen calyx(sp?) I believe it’s called? I think it’s just telling you she’s going to flower, etc.
I’m no expert on this so wait for an expert to respond before you do anything. But I think that’s what she should be doing but I could be wrong. Thanks!
Looks like a swollen calyx to me.
seeds aren’t any concern. It means you got pollinated or they stressed and created a few seeds. Leave them on there and you have a bonus! No reason to remove them…
Free Seeds? @Mrcrabs
I re gifted it back to my buddy that gifted me that seed. He was happy, said a few seeds was no worry. I stick to Roberts genetics. I’ve been growing and cloning trainwreck and GSC with great success never hermied on me.