Can’t even believe what I came home too after thinking I had the new ladies some where were the dogs couldn’t get to them so disappointing 2 months down the drain this make 4 plants a door and a pissed off wife the darn dogs have cost me I’m glad the tent is finally ready to do a new grow
Simple, get rid of the dogs if they are untrainable.
Man so heart breaking losing plants due to animals i would be pisses as well good luck with all hopefully when u get ur tent goin ur dogs wont chew through ur tent
I had to pull the plug on my grow.
The neighbor has been flipping out and the law has been over there and asking everyone questions about him just way to much for me .
Sorry to hear that we’re you live ill come take care of the Karen people so nosie they need to mind there business
That sucks I had something similar, involving a family member. Had to toss 6 beautiful ladies
Neighbors can suck even in legal states! So far so good with my outdoor growing. I figure if the dude 5 doors down can have a big old hemp patch in his front yard (which in our State is regulated as cannabis) I am pretty safe.
That is a bummer, you need a room 10 x 12 with door , Tent inside room. You can keep all your stuff used to grow. Control temperature an humidity inside room. Good luck moving forward.
That is sad to give up on ya grow man i understand why though but if its legal to grow where u are you have nothing to worry about right , i understand the extra stress with the law being around
It’s all good.
Give it time and try again.
Red states sucks …