Underwater or overwatered?

Need help figuring out if it’s over watered or underwater I transplanted this plant about a week ago into some coco mix pear lite and worm casting the coco was moist when I transplanted so I did not water I let I dry for a bout a week the coco was really dry on the surface but I dug my finger into it and it was pretty moist I notice that the top nodes are still growing but at a slow rate

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Looks like transplant shock. Happen to use mycorrhizae on the roots when transplanting ?


I didn’t wish I did now new to growing is there anything else I can do like add a small amount of powdered nutes?

Transplant shock will sort itself out. It’s been a week so should start bouncing back soon. Just make sure you’re at proper nutrient and ph levels and she’ll be fine. (When they’re in shock they uptake few nutrients so don’t throw things at her she doesn’t need.)


When did you top? Before or after transplant?

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After which looking back at was really dumb but I have noticed that it’s nodes have been growing is there any thing I can do to help it out?


Just let her correct herself. Make sure she has nutrients for when her roots settle and start reaching into the new space.


Ok thank you so much for helping out will update you on how it’s doing in about a week thanks again

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Always water in solid when transplanting to avoid shock. As long as you have good drainage and airiation, put some recharge and Mykos in your water. Worked great for me, plants just kept growing.


When do you water with mycos after a transplant?


@510seco would you have a aloe plant or some aloe powder if you mix that with some water will help her with the transplant shock if have powder mix half a teaspoon to a gallon if have the plant cut a bottom leaf off and mix that with a gallon of water

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You’re in coco? Water it! You cannot overwater coco. Do not let coco dry and do not treat it as soil!

You also need to be feeding with nutrients every time you water with a Ph between 5.8-6.3.


@510seco :point_up_2: this and too liberal run off :love_you_gesture:


I did not see a call out to this…If it Coco Coir, from what I see on here for the folks that use coco, should water every day or every other day??? Not getting watered for a week in coco sounds like part of the problem…Hey you guys!!! All you coco guys/gals chime in and help a grownie out. I grow in soils and water based on pot weight.

Just saw autos post above bout not letting her dry out. That is what I thought…


Scrolling to wave my finger at this as well, it’s a no no in coco. Thanks @Autos-only @Bonjoyle

The coco in pics appears to be hydrophobic dry.


I’ve grown exclusively in coco until my last grow.
Watering is a daily ritual that you must embrace fully to succeed.