Understanding Fox Farm feeding schedule

@Mrgreen3461 I use the green and purple schedule. I use the 1 Tablespoon per gallon and feed 3 times a week. I water daily. Example: Grow Big on Monday, water Tues. When in flower stages, Big Bloom Monday, water Tues., Open Sesame on Wed., water Thurs, Big Bloom on Fri. etc… in middle stages of flower i use same schedule but switch out Tiger Bloom for Big Bloom and switch out Beasty Bloomz for Open Sesame and in last stages switch out Beasty Bloomz for ChaChing. Flush 1 week before harvest.

I use FoxFarms Happy Frog soil.


Hey everyone, 1st time grower here. I’m in week 1 of veg and using FFOF with the liquid nutrients “trio”. Following the schedule above and have a question/comment or two. What does EC mean? With 7.5 ml’s big bloom in 1 gal 6.3 ph Ro water, my PPM is only 110. The schedule recommends like 400ish ppm. Is this a problem? Also, my humidity is around 45-50%. , is this too high? So far so good semingly, but I was moticing some whitish spots on some leaf edges and what lo

oks like a little powdery mildew on 1 of 2 plants ( Pineapple Chunk fem from Barney farms). Any feedback would be awesome, I’m pretty anxious and worried about doing this right, I don’t want to screw these girls up. Thanks all, glad to be here.


In the first pics looks like either the leaves were laying on the dirt or a Lil nutrient splash when watering both will make the leaves look like that.
Where are you on the feeding schedule?
The first couple of weeks calls for 6tsp per gallon of big bloom and 2tsp per gallon grow big. Might be where your missing your ppm @bizzyboy

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Ec refers to electrical conductivity in water ir soil its a messurement use ti determine salt build up more salts higher ec
So you have a grow journal tag me in if so
Also do you have a copy if the schedule?
Otherwise i agree with @Nug-bug



Here’s a great threat for you to check out.

I have a question for you sir, im a newbee so be easy…

does it matter if were talking about an auto or a photo??? or is this the same no matter what type of seed were working with?

also? if your to feed it every other feeding, some days you water, 3-4 times a day, right? so do you feed twice a day or ???

Hi @Mathew420, those girls look awesome, great job. I used to use ff in soil but I’m trying my hand at a coco coir and perlite this time, also trying G.H. Flora Trio and Terminator. I’m watering (feeding) them using the Lucas formula, just wondering if you ever heard of it, or if its as good as its supposed to be.

Those look very healthy. Nice man

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That schedule is for All FF nutes …to achieve the ppms on the chart you need to add the nutes shown… there a thread on it somewhere but I just used the FF Trio and used what it said on the bottle itself…and was def a lot happier camper!

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@Mrgreen3461 I use ffhappy frog, it stays so wet I can only water once a week. Do you add perlite? Are your pots dry when you water?

Sounds great. Don’t forget the ChaChing at the end. It really helps with Terpines.

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This is exactly the info I needed :blush:


All that Fox Farm is wonderful , and should be added to what you are feeding, the rest should be a natural mix , this is only for outdoor growing and for your area

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I don’t know much but have been using Foxfarm nutrients at the recommended levels feeding every three days.Feed water,water,feed for about a year.Full recommended nutrients for that week each feeding with no burn and great results indoor in happy frog soils.Last crop of granddaddy purp 4 1/2 oz per plant

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Was wondering if there is a real autoflower feeding schedule with the fox farm soil trio?

First time growing - I’m growing the same. Happy frog and following feeding schedule but I’m using RO water. I’m 6 wks into flower and leaves are showing major calcium deficiency. I’ve been adding 3 ml/gal of calmag and have increased to 5ml/gal. Have you had any issues?


Have you pruned those plants because you have alot of leaves on such small plants? This is my first grow using Autoflowers Gorilla Glue. I am in 7 gallon fabric grow pots that are supposed to only take 12 weeks from seed to cut down.I also use FFOF soil. I think I will start with “Open Sesame” in the 5th week. Any help you be appreciated. Ranman.

Aspiring grower here! I have done an insane amount of research and I’m just trying to get more info before I order my setup. First, I understand that I want to start with 1/2 of everything on fox farms nutrient chart and change it up according to plant behavior, I Kind of understand that the order I take is feed, let dry, water, let dry, and repeat🤔 What I’d like to know is what my pH level should be for my water and what my pH level should be with my nutrients/water? specifically for the fox farm plan. Also how do I know when I stop the feed for the final flush before harvest?

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@Crapmostank the Ph for water will differ mine ph at 7.00 +or-. For your water and nutrients Ph 6.0 to 6.8 sweet spot being 6.5 in soil. In hydro Ph 5.5 to 6.0 with the sweet spot being 5.8. On the last part when all the trichomes are cloudy and some amber then flush and stop all nutes for a week or so with just Ph water 6.5. Hope this helps

That’s very helpful thank you, I have Another question. What’s the process of using the flush sledgehammer? Do I treat it like a normal water or is there a different method? Also It confuses me cause it’s just a gap on the chart between week marks, for example week 4 nutrients- sledhammer flush- then week 5 nutrients. At what point do I use it if there isn’t a designated week to use the flush?