Noticed this today any ideas? 2 days shy of six weeks into flower and 9 weeks old
Last runoff was 6.1 that was Saturday and ppm of 1510
This may help?
If it’s just your lower fan leaves I would say water damage.
Rusty spot color is it only on the oldest fan leaves?
Too much water? Or splash back?
Splash back
It also looks N toxicity.
Looks higher up then splash back.
I can’t remember, indoor or outdoor?
Maybe @Myfriendis410 or @WickedAle can help.
Indoor, with some humidity trouble.
@MattyBear just posted this on another thread.
“Do you have a fan blowing in there? The rust spots can form when there is a lack of airflow and your medium stays wet. It is also a common sign of calcium deficiency or telling you that the ph is not in optimal range.”
@MattyBear I do have fans blowing but that one is kinda low compared to others so not so much movement with fan. Ph run off test was 6.1 last feeding 6.5 went in. I have to water today what should I set ph to in order to bring it back up
Water won’t bring it up. Soil amendments do, and high TDS liquid (feeding) does as well. 6.1 is fine, frankly. I’d keep PH’ING as you are.
What numbers am I wanting? I can feed I usually do every other
1,000 to 1,200 ppm. Mid flower is your peak demand. Watch runoff numbers too.
Ok thank you
@Myfriendis410 @AAA I fed at 700 ppm and 6.5 her runoff was ppm1640 5.9 ph uugghh looks like it’s getting worse. It looks much worse under the blurples
It won’t let me post photo