Rust Spots on Flowering Auto

Hi all,

I was inspecting my plants today and found these rust spots on some leaves on both plants. On my second plant, some of the leaves had completely curled up. Presumably that means rust fungus, but it’s frustrating because while they both need more defoliation, I never get the leaves wet and keep humidity around 45%. Hoping I could get a diagnosis and hoping against hope it’s some sort of deficiency I could fix for.

Lmk what y’all think.

Plant 1 (Girl Scout Cookies Extreme):

Plant 2 (Bruce Banner):

A diagnosis and any and all advice on what do to from here would be greatly appreciated.



First I would trim those yellow Dead leaves :leaves: so the plant :potted_plant: doesn’t have to use its energy :weight_lifting_man:to try to save them. Believe it or not you plant looks pretty good nothing perfect. I would say your calcium magnesium deficient.
I would like to hear what other people have to say :mage: please and thank you

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Calcium and phosphorus deficiency Growmie, what was the last run off PH. Most base nutrients contain enough phosphorus and a deficiency is often PH in the root zone related. Calcium and phosphorus deficiencies are generally noticed together :metal:


Soil using, and nutrients? Also how often do you water, and what is the ph and run off ppm.

Would you trim the rust spotted ones, too? Thanks!

Should I try hitting it with plant booster (0-27-27) and calmag? I last gave it nutrients on Friday and don’t want to overfeed; just nervous.


Thank you all so much for your help!

I usually water every two days or so. I have a moisture meter that shows when the top two inches are dry and water accordingly.

Soil is a mix of FoxFarm Happy Frog, Ocean Forest, and perlite.

Nutes are the ILGM Bergman’s Plant Food set.

400-500 ppm with nutes, 37ppm without.

Typically pHing to 6.0-6.3.

I have given CalMag before but not consistently and only at half strength. I’m honestly confused about when to do that and whether it should be mixed with nutes or given separately with water.

Embarrassed to say I have never once tested my runoff pH, but I’m going to do that today and update!


I’m not a fan of boosters, over doing specific nutrients can lock out the absorption of others. What was the last run off PH and PPMs. Soil PH range is 6.3-6.8 with 6.5 being optimum :love_you_gesture:

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Gotcha. I’m about to water—should I just add calmag or just ph my water to 6.5 and call it a day? I’ll ph/ppm my runoff and update.


I would use water at a PH of 6.5, water to liberal run off and catch the last cup and test :love_you_gesture:

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Awesome, thanks so much, will do.


Gave my Bruce Banner (plant 2 above) about a gallon of water at pH 6.50, 36 ppm. Last cup of runoff was pH 6.77, 170 ppm. Is that good or bad?

As an aside, would you by any chance have a recommendation for a reliable, accurate, and precise pH meter budgeted in the range of ~$100? Bonus points if it’s waterproof, because I just dropped my recently calibrated one into a gallon of water and now we’re both :skull:


That’s about 700 PPMs short. The PH is in range and would feed around 6.3 until. The run off gets to 6.5. Typical soil grow PPMs using synthetic fertilizers is generally 800-1200, I’ve seen this higher and typically with experienced growers that know what to look for with their plants. I would recommend mixing a gallon at 800-1000 at a PH of 6.3 for feeding and since the last watering was was just a few hours ago, I would feed now versus waiting on the dry cycle :love_you_gesture:


I use an Apera 20 PH pen and a Blue Lab TDS pen. Both very reasonably priced, reliable and accurate :love_you_gesture:


Sorry for not getting back till now looks like @OGIncognito has given you exactly what you need. Good luck my friend


So would he need more calcium or less asking because my plants are also starting to do that except mine only have like to scab looking spots on it leaves are also starting to yellow

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Also how do u change or adjust your ppms

This depends on the base nutrient make up and levels of secondary nutrients like calcium and magnesium. In his case the overall nutrients were super low. What nutrient line are you using :love_you_gesture:

Im using the fox farm trio an the ff bush doc cal-mag only problem is im testing my ph manually an i dont have a tds meter yet i will in next month tho the ph pin i do have is giving me the wrong readings so im s.o.l until next month im also running autos


As a former FF trio user I’ll let you know that these are salt heavy. Liberal, like 30% run off is my recommendation and will help rinse these salts away that can accumulate in the root zone driving up the PPMs and tanking the PH. This leads to lock out of nutrient uptake. It’s a crap shoot with mixing nutrients without a TDS pen Grow Bro and most FF users mix 1/2 strength. Recommended PPMs of the mix would be 800-1000 and a PH of 6.5 with periodic run off testing. I also abandoned soil grows with the trio and went the coco and jacks route 3 years ago and haven’t looked back. Coco is more forgiving and jacks is cannabis friendly. Yes Calcium and magnesium is needed with the trio :love_you_gesture:

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