Uh oh.. spider mites? What else could cause this?

Hey guys, when lookin in my tent today I noticed on only one of my plants this leaf here had a tiny little whole in it. I looked all over the back as best I could with a microscope to identify any type of mite but didn’t see anything. I gave the underside of all the leafs a solid rinse with a spray bottle just regular water and then dried them off just to potentially wash away any creepy crawlers ! Was just wondering if this could be caused by anything else? Heard that fimming could cause potential scarring like that on the leafs but I don’t know about holes… I did top this girl not fim but just wanted to get some opinions.
Transplanted into fox farm happy frog soil and mixed in a little kelp meal, crab meal, azomite, and some worm castings… just followed the tsps per gallon instructions for each of those. Temps are around 70-75F and 52-59rh. Thanks everyone have a good one.

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From the info you gave and the picture I would say russet that mite be why you didn’t see them. I could be totally wrong but that looks like early stages. Get a $50 1400x microscope of Amazon and you will know if it’s those little fuckers

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Son of a bitch! :joy:interesting. I’m going to have to do something about this asap. This is the last thing I needed :joy::woman_facepalming:

@Easygrowin Looks a bit like chafing to me.
How’s your fan placement ?
It can cause holes / marks to show in the leaves if the leaves are rubbing together.
Might also be from your recent transplant. :wink:


I’m with oldguy I’m thinking something like heat stress, overwatering, wind burn, could even be humidity :thinking:

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You know I totally forgot to mention this because I didn’t want to sound dumb but yes my fan is a little close to that plant in particular… I was wondering if that could have caused any issues. Just the other day I was thinking I need to find a better placement for the fan. I looked up and down those leaves for any mites and couldn’t find any so I wasn’t thinking that’s the cause. I will definitely do some rearranging once the light turns on in an hour or so :muscle:t3::pray:

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There are No stupid questions.
Only those not asked. :wink:

I’ll usually have the odd leaf with a few rub marks by the time I get to flower. But I’m using a few fans too. :grin:
2 x 6 in. Blowing down. 2 x 7 in. on the floor And a couple stand up oscillating 16 in ones.

Yours looks nice and healthy. :+1:



Was going to say the same thing.


I don’t see any signs of mites. I think it’s mechanical too.


I can’t say yes or no to russets from the pic. they do make the leaves on your tops shrink up like that. so you may want to check and make sure it’s not happening any where else on the plant. because a russet issue can’t get out of hand fast, and they are hard to get rid of. I’ve been growing for a few years and recently had my first run in with them and I almost lost my mind.
Better safe than sorry!