Holes in fan leaves

Hi everyone im a first time grower that is about to flip the plants to flower and i started running into this problem.i dont know if its bugs or something worse i was wondering if anyone can help me out.

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Check the undersides of the leaves with a magnifying glass and look for bugs. It could also be from leaves rubbing against each from air movement in the tent.


What @Deepsix said :point_up_2:

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I’ll grab a Magnify glass tomorrow

So idk what it is but I’m fairly sure it’s not bugs eating them.
First picture is clearly mechanical damage from the past and leaf has grew a good bit since.
2nd picture i don’t really know but it doesn’t look like bite marks.

If these 2 spots is all there is, I’d just pull the leafs off if it bothered me.
But i wouldn’t worry about it to much…

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There are more spots like that

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Then yeah look it over for bugs just to be sure.
Got picture of entire plant?

One second

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This is the plant with the little hole


They look great man very healthy :+1:
I don’t think yoi have anything to worry about but never a bad idea to go over them and check for pests. I get all kinds of rips, holes, and even burns on my leafs all the time.
It use to drive me nuts but it’s just part of it i guess :person_shrugging:


Yea any little thing has me nervous lol but I will check them out asap…if its bug any recommendations to get rid of them?


If it bugs Capt. Jacks Dead Bug spray. Looking at those pic’s Like @1HappyPappy said it may be just mechanical. good luck with them.

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Thanks a lot