Two teeny tiny dying girls!?

Evening all ILGM members, readers, followers etc, :wave: I had started growing 4 plants from random bag seeds, and the bare minimum basics (potting mix, coir, perlite and Sun). I watered them with bottled spring water, and once gave them a very diluted solution of (blood&bone fertiliser, photo bellow) 2 of the plants turned male and I disposed of them. The last two iv just been watching, watering and sun chasing, with them as I try and learn from my mistakes - the 1st plant stopped growing and has gradually become lighter and lighter in colour, and I discovered a patch on the stem that concerns me. I ask if it’s root rot perhaps? The 2nd plant has continued to grow, however I read a little about FIMing plants, so I experimented with that, freaked out and ended up topping her instead. It threw her into shock I think because over the next few days her leaves went dark purple. She has now began new growth, with ‘two’ new flowers starting at the tip and at the base of leaves, so mayb the topping worked :woman_shrugging:t2: - however I don’t even know if she’ll survive
I will provide photos(apologies for the quality) (1st two pics are of dying root rot plant. 2nd two pics are of remaining living plant, hopefully it’s stem isn’t rotting)
My questions are ~ do cannabis plants die after flower? What should I do with my remaining living plant with purple leaves, flowers and is teeny tiny? ~AND~ what is my dying plant dying from in ur opinion (is the stem rotten?) sorry for the babble, and I hope I haven’t wasted anyone’s time

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The blood & bone fertiliser I used …

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They look like they have to much iron. Am I having a deja vu episode or have we already talked about this? Don’t have to say where if so because I don’t think it was here lol

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:+1::crazy_face: you are correct! No déjà vu

I could be wrong, and I am no expert, but they look salvageable. They look over watered a bit. Maybe I should just take a step back and watch them a few days before scrapping. You would be surprised how resilient some plants are

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