day 23. idk what the yellow/brown means… any ideas? soil is miracle gro indoor mix 25-13-19. distilled water. shes a GGAF from ILGM.
Photos and a support ticket will help us help you. The only problem I see so far is the Miracle Grow. Miracle Grow anything is a no-go for cannabis.
• What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
• Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
• Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
• PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
• PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
• Indoor or Outdoor
• Light system
• Temps; Day, Night
• Humidity; Day, Night
• Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
• AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
• Co2; Yes, No
I wouldn’t worry a whole lot about the lower leaves, but you do have a problem. It has nute burn most likely from the Miracle Grow. Definitely getting too much nitrogen.
I would transplant it in a soil that doesn’t have much nutes in it. I would expect it to recover, but you need to get it out of the Miracle Grow.
What he said!
Yeah what they said.
Dont you have a grow journal for this plant ?
i do. i made another post because im worried and needed suggestions. ive transplated her 4 times already. 3 times because of overwater and the last time i mixed the soil with a starter mix to kinda loosen things up. any soil will do?
I would suggest Fox Farm Happy Frog. It’s specifically for cannabis and it isn’t very hot.
If you’ve been having issues with watering - it is far better to slow roll your watering. Cannabis likes wet and dry cycles. A plant at the age yours is won’t need much more than 2 or 3 ml of water every couple of days. Let your soil dry out almost completely before you add water again.
Good luck. Get her corrected and she’ll probably do fine.
thanks yall!! this is great
one more thing… transplant. should i suspend her between a fork and rinse the soil away from her completely?
I’d transfer as much of the root ball (and surrounding soil) as you can. You’ll want to minimize damage to the root structure. The soil you transfer with it will self-correct over a few days.
My first grow was in miracle grow and I didn’t know about this forum Some ppl here use it and have good results. I didn’t. I got one once off my plant. It’s way too hot. Your in good hands here. I use fox farm happy frog and have great results. @MidwestGuy has you covered
Just to let you know that miracle grow does make an organic soil with no nutrients added. It’s called Miracle Grow nature’s care organic and natural potting soil. It’s in a neon green bag. I have and are using it and it’s good especially on a limited budget.
thanks again! i have just bought some ffhf and mycorrhizae by white shark! itll be here monday. imma do this again but hopefully to offset the shock, mycorrhizae??
also while im thinking about it… since im chilling my soil, do i need to buy nutes? will this soil be fine the whole grow? should i continue to use distilled water?
IMO it’s great the whole grow. I use fox farm trio for my nutes. I use it at 1/4 strength when the sucker leaves start dying off. I water then feed. Hope this helps. Happy growing
Sounds like you’re headed in the right direction. Mycorrhizae is good stuff. I use it too.
To do that is called root washing, the least abusive way is to lay the plant on its side on a dinner plate. Lay the plate on a gentle angle so water can run away. Very lightly spray and rinse the soil as best you can away, if you cant get it all, thats fine dont torture the roots. Once they are as clean as you can humanely get them, prepare you new planting medium, ideally pre moistened, and by that I mean mix a small amount of water into the soil so its just humid ( not wet ) , suspend the plant roots hanging down over the hole and twist it very gently into its new resting place. Ideally spreading the root out a tad. Sprinkle some pre moistened material into the root and gently pack it in. Now… add a nother inch of pre moistened soil and firmly pack that in. Do not water until the soil is dry. This is a rescue method used in nurseries and it works quite well.
I stopped reading when I read distilled water, Never water your plants with that. Get a filter for your tap water to remove chlorine and chloramines or you use RO water. RO water is a pain to ph sometimes. Also never use the water collected in your dehumidifier (distilled water).