Two grow tents exhaust vented into each other

Hey all, my question is can i feed the exhaust line off my inline fan and carbon filter to another tent and having the 2nd tents inline fan carbon filter exhaust feed into the first tent. Basically having each tent feed into each other?

Venting is mostly done to help manage temp and humidity. Venting tents into each other defeats that purpose. If temp and humidity are under control and all you are worried about is managing smell, then sure, you can do it.


I am running 8 dwc plants along with 4 in soil (one of the plants in soil is having the issues…no i don’t have the means to acquire all of the equipment you mentioned…it would be nice to have but can’t afford it and my grow is only a personal use grow. Of course i want it to be the best it can be (with my means). I only have a temperature and humidity monitor and the ph meter. I will pick up a soil meter when possible.

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The second tent is my drying tent…I was hoping that with the dehumidifier/ dehumided air from my grow tent being cycled into the drying tent would help with the humidity factor.

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Sounds like a good idea then.

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Ok thanks, not sure if it will work, but hopefully it will. My drying tent should be delivered within a couple of hours. After i get it set up and running ill reply and let you know how it works. Thanks again.

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It is common to run your dry tent venting through your grow tent.

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Yep, so far so good! 46% humidity and 70 degrees.

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I ended up adding a dehumidifier and a humidifier to use when needed…humidity is in low 60s and temps are low 70s at night and high 70s to low 80s (80-83 degrees).