Hi everyone, I just started an indoor grow. It’s my first time in coco. Two things I’m concerned about. There seems to be some sort of algae growing in/on the coco/perlite. Is this anything to be worried about or is it just a happy friend? Also the Green Crack seedling seems to not be doing so well. All the others are nice and green and seem healthy but it seems to be getting yellow, not growing and it has this almost spiral like split running up it’s stem almost like something cut into it while it was growing. I thought it was nothing at first but it is rapidly falling behind the others development wise. I just want to know if I should chuck it or not.
Note that the pics are of two different plants
Your soil looks too wet for a seedling.
I imagine thats the cause.
Even in coco you need very little water to start. Get some clear plastic cups, spritz them with distilled on the inside, and place them over the seedlings. Let the coco dry just a little. In the beginning it is every bit as possible to overwater as it is in soil.
Edit/add… The algae is from too much moisture in the coco
Just a thought, but since the medium is so wet.
You could place a heatmat underneath, and let the moisture evaporate onto the inside of the clear plastic cup/dome. Instead of adding more water?
So, like I do that with my mushrooms.
Im supposed to mist them daily, but instead. I let the container of mycelium sit in water, and just let the water evaporate naturally to create humidity.
Taking the dome off every couple of hours will release some of the excess water into the atmosphere, instead of waiting for the seedling to drink it too.
I wouldn’t worry about the heat mat. Unless temps in your environment get under regularly stay under 65. I overwater in the beginning a lot of the time. After a few hours the humidity dome has about twice as much as what I sprayed.
The algae is nothing to worry about (as mentioned by others) and is caused by water, nutrients and light.
The sick plant is interesting. It looks like the cotyledons are spiraling out from the stem instead of growing out. this could be a genetic mutation caused by inbreeding, which is very common with cannabis.
If the plant is getting the same watering schedule as the others, it’s unlikely to be too much water. However, I normally sew the seed, water the pot with fertilizer water, then leave it until the growing medium is starting to dry out at the top before watering again.
Maybe reduce watering to twice a week and monitor the sick one. Take regular pictures of it because it’s more interesting (at least to me) than the others are.