Twisted sisters. Enlightened by cubes

I was brave and tried vegemite in the dining facility in Kabul. I’ll try anything once, however, I don’t think they’ll be a second time for that. Not the worst but jelly and jam is more my thing I guess :rofl:


First time I had it I thought beef bouillon or Au Jus. I don’t get a yeast flavor from it at all, lots of salt… I like it on my breakfast sandwiches.


Sorry girls…
I came off a little insensitive… :man_facepalming::man_shrugging::wink::grin::v::smirk:
I am male and stupid sometimes… :man_shrugging::flushed::man_facepalming::grin::smirk::wink:
It goes hand in hand… :man_shrugging::man_facepalming::smiling_imp:
Although , my wife would say that I love fish… :grin::smile::joy::rofl::wink:
More than likely… :+1:
What does she know anyway’s… :thinking::laughing::joy::rofl::smile::wink::smiley::smirk:


Tsk tsk… men…and I just did my hair too!

Anyhoo… anything with mite on the end is sure to be bad.


Thanks everyone. I like salty. I love fish. I love a good strong flavored yeast bread.
All things point to me enjoying it.
Thanks again y’all.
Now I have to find some around here.


I’m just a knucklehead being a knucklehead …
Wifey don’t know what to think…
She just shakes her head…
And I just laugh…


I’m the same with my fim attempts looks like a text book fim at the time but don’t see any difference as it grows out.

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It’s definitely an acquired taste but having said that, most people who have tried it and don’t like it have smeared it onto their toast like you would peanut butter or even jam (jelly). The best way to start is with a very light smear like this :+1::grin::heart_eyes:


When you say smeared…
I’m thinking a little snail trial sliding across my tummy , up to my chest , heading towards my face… :rofl::laughing::joy::smiley::smile::grin::smirk::wink::thinking:

OK , ok…
That was totally inappropriate… :man_facepalming::man_shrugging::flushed::smiling_imp::grin::smirk:
I have a hard time keeping my mouth and fingers and other things in check…
I can only blame it on being male… :man_shrugging::grin::smirk::sunglasses:
But on a serious note…
That , does not look good…
And trust me , I’ve eaten green ham…
Not good… :angry::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::confused::slightly_frowning_face::frowning::upside_down_face:


Haha green eggs and ham from that military aluminum Pan?


That even looks to thick for me.
I have it ever so seldomly. Gives me mouth ulcers.
As a teenager we would go to parties and put veggie mite on a cigarette give you a slight high.
Things you do aye.


So true. Its definitely not nutella :crazy_face:
I prefer Marmite but not fussy either will do :+1:


This is what comes to mind when I think of vegemite.

I remember wondering what a vegemite sandwich was when I was younger. I tried vegemite later on and wasn’t impressed. I was expecting something sweet.


Hey Enlightened420-
If this growing thing doesn’t work out for you I see a future for you in the cat training business!!! LOL


I may have put it in a little thicker than that…:rofl:


Lol, I tried it only because of Men At Work :rofl::joy:


That would have been very shocking @shindig153 especially if you spread it thick and chomped into it.
Shock to the taste buds and senses.
Made me laugh thinking you did that


I actually had this song come on my headset on my bike today! I was rocking an 80s and 90s playlist and had a blast :grin:


That means it’s flip o’clock.
Even though I grow indoors,
I still attempt to emulate a ‘naturalish’ environment, as my Growzone is exposed to the elements, it’s more logical to flow with the wind, than attempt to
fight against it…

Shaved the girls legs…

Painted their nails…

Redirected energy

By this I mean that I’ve trimmed all the side branching, except SB🌹
She is ALL side branching, not sure how the budz will form?..
But she will be :fire: either way.

This trim will go into a batch of brownies, that I’m making with coconut oil and sunflower lecithin, then I will sample them thoroughly before taking them to my friends 40th. I experiment extensively with my edibles and canna caps so I can give an educated opinion to people when I play the Green Fairy.

Convinced myself not to take any more clones, cause I don’t have room, but the SB🌹 cuts were just too good, so…
Here comes another experiment :laughing:
It shall affectionately be called the Double Banga, DB for short

Last round I experimented with slowly reducing light hours to initiate flower at different intervals (14/10)
This time, straight to 12/12,
so tonight I’ll be on the hunt for light leaks, with beer and vape in hand…

Pay no attention to the
leggy Cherry Blonde in the corner
(with the deficiency)
I couldn’t work out WTF was wrong with her…
Tried everything, except checking the autopots… Her roots were so healthy, they had blocked the inlet valve, who knows how long ago :man_facepalming:
Lesson learnt, always check your autopots, even if everything is growing smoothly…

I’ve top dressed individual plants with what I feel they need in preparation for the stretch and flower.

This song rocks :metal:

Good vibes, keep it green

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


Dammnn my Enlightened friend…what an update…I would also not leave the clones :wink: …your world is awesomely green :green_heart::sunglasses::v: