Twisted sisters. Enlightened by cubes

Hi All,

1st indoor Super-soil grow. I have been struggling with sweltering temps and fluctuating RH.
@shindig153 @zparkie2 @SilentHippie @Covertgrower @Hogmaster @MrPeat

Hope you guys don’t mind the tags, feel free to tag anyone you think is willing to help with my journey, I think I’m going to need all the help I can get.

Day 1 - Gold Leaf
Seed in Jiffy peat pellets, Super-soil in bottom half of peat pot with premium organic potting mix on top, watering with ph neutral purified water, as recommended by the company I purchased S.S from.

Starting to get everything under control, with a lot of tweaking and dialling in, heat and humidity have been excessive with 40C + temps (sorry dont know FH, southern hemisphere) Day 2.

Need to read instruction manual and learn how to switch this to celcius?


Sweet…this is the best way to learn from each grow cycle. I can’t give a like so here is a big :+1:.

I got your grow journal bookmarked so I can follow your progress.


Thanks again @MrPeat.

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You’re welcome…enjoy the community which is filled with growers all over the world.


75 and 60% rh is close to right.welcome


Thank you for the tag. GL sprout is looking good, I am growing in my last batch of ss and have moved to living soil. Just make sure you cook your super soil for at least 2 weeks so pH can be where it needs to be and all amendments break down. (I made the mistake of putting ss without cooking in bottom of pot and the when the roots hit that they fried. For my living soil I am cooking for 6 weeks. Read all you can, there is so much to learn.
Happy Growing.


@zparkie2 for the exact reason you just mentioned cooking. I like to do a couple plants outside come spring I will prepare my holes late fall of the year put a couple Flat Rocks over the holes to keep wild animals from digging them out. I come back spring of the year fluff it up a little bit an plant it’s ready to go.


Thanks, @zparkie2, I have been following your journal for a little while (awesome read) and picked up some helpful tips, hence the tag.
@kellydans, I don’t have the option of growing outdoors unfortunately.
Question: How much light is too much for a seedling, currently using a T5, but to avoid too much stem stretch I have the light very low 4 inches.

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@Enlightened420. T5 should be good at 4 inchs seedlings always test my patience. We all want them to grow fast but sometimes we forget root system has to develop first.



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Set to watching good luck on the grow!!!

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I was tinkering around with the soil and my 4th mix that I made, I left out blood meal and put alfalfa meal. And it cooked for a few weeks, then I planted a pineapple chunk, a crystal, and a gold leaf in that mix. Here is the gold leaf since you are growing the same.


Day 3 GL.

Stem growth, reason I dropped to 4 inches

Blue Dream still has not popped, have not had great germination rate - 50%


Beautiful plant @zparkie2! Now if I can only get this girl through her journey…


I grow Blue Dream. My success rate is 100% with it. All I do is put the seed and or seeds to soak in filtered tap water for 18 to 24 hours.

I then place them in damp toilet paper for 48 hours. I check to make sure the toilet paper stays damp, not soaked. I do this in my bathroom which is about 70 degrees there.

Once I see the tap root I place them in their final grow bucket in the tent. I have 3 Blue Dream plants fully loaded and close to 4 weeks in flowering stage.


Merry Christmas everyone, keep it green :evergreen_tree:


Just a record for future purposes:


Oyster Shell Flour - Freshly ground oyster shells are composed of approximately 96% Calcium Carbonate, with the remainder being trace elements, kelp and microbes. Oyster shell flour not only releases calcium and trace element, but is also a liming agent, improves tilth, provides favourable conditions for microbial activity, stimulating enzyme activity and increasing Cationic Exchange Capacity (CEC).

Oyster shell flour is a very special component of our compost blends because the slow release calcium helps to increase the structural integrity of plants, promote new growth and increase resistance to disease by facilitating the movement of heavy macro-molecules around the plant.

Oyster Shell also contains Chitin which is beneficial to the plants immune system when converted into chitosan by an enzyme released from the plant (chitanase).

When used as a soil amendment Bokashi invites a galaxy of beneficial bacteria and fungi that result in increased yields and healthier plants via probiotic effects in the soil. In addition, they hasten the breakdown of amendments and transport them to the plant as part of a symbiotic relationship, and help to ward off nematodes and other invaders, among many other benefits.
BioChar - BioChar is a special type of agricultural charcoal that is high in carbon content. The mechanisms of action are not fully understood, however it is suspected that it works by increasing the amount of sequestered carbon available to the plant. BioChar assists in purifying toxic heavy metals in the water/soil, providing both water retention and aeration, as well as an environment for microbes to inoculate. For this reason, you’ll see greater benefits from BioChar over time, making it an ideal amendment for NoTill conditions.

By using sustainably grown Australian hardwood the BioChar in our mixes routinely tests at 89 to 93% carbon, compared to cotton gin waste or sugarcane bagasse which can be as low as 10% (10% carbon is still allowed to be called BioChar by international standards). It is sourced from plantation waste, so in using our premium compost mixes you are ultimately sequestering carbon back into the soil once used.
Malted Barley Grain - Malted Barley Grains are an exceptionally rich source of microbes, with a wide range of bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts colonising the area between the husk and the pericarp which produce biologically significant levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a hormone that promotes cell division and is essential for the proper development of plant organs. The grain functions in the mix as a source of growth hormone catalysts, facilitating explosive growth.
Kelp Meal - Kelp Meal is mild source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus and Potassium (1-0.5-3), and is a source of trace minerals, amino acids, plant micro-nutrients and natural plant hormones. These hormones are specifically noted to reduce stress associated with transplant and heat shock, which in turn will allow your plants to grow quicker and transition more smoothly after transplants.
Neem Cake - Neem Cake provides a fantastic source of NPK with values of 4-2-2 respectively. Furthermore there are several molecules in neem cake such as Azadirachtin, Salannin and Nimbin which provide integrated pest management to your garden, acting as an antifeedant for over 200 species of insects.
Epsom Salt - Epsom Salt provides the ‘SuperSoil’ with Magnesium, which is necessary for Calcium uptake; as well as Sulphur which is not only the most important element for flavour, but also plays a vital role in nitrogen fixation (is present in the important nitrogenase enzymes which contain a Fe-Mo-S cluster) and is used as a catalyst. Sulphur is also involved in proper function of the immune system of plants via having ample glutathione to combat oxidation stress.
Dolomite Lime - Dolomite acts to counter the soil pH dropping (caused by microbes) and thus can be thought of as a pH buffer. It also provides another source of both Ca and Mg.
Azomite - Azomite is a trace element source, conditioning agent and also helps plants better absorb nutrients from soil. The rare earth elements present in Azomite enhance nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter species, which bind atmospheric nitrogen and release it as ammonium ions into the soil. Further, the Azomite present in our Super Soil acts to reduce stress caused by drought by enhancing Abscisic acid (ABA) production, in turn minimizing the water lost by a plant in transpiration.
Blood ‘n’ Bone Meal - Blood ‘n’ Bone Meal is high in Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus (8-5-1). It improves soil microbial activity and promotes worm growth and development by providing available organic material. The rich Nitrogen content gives plant the building blocks they need to handle intense growth during both the vegetative and bloom phases.
Humic and Fulvic Acids - Humic and Fulvic acids are organic polymers which coordinate and chelate with macro-molecules/metals, and assist in facilitating uptake. They also act to neutralise soil pH, allowing trace elements to become available to the plant. Through the use of Humic and Fulvic acids you will notice increased gains in plant growth, their general appearance and the flavour and size of the harvest.
Guano - We utilize a special sulfur and silica rich Guano which acts to strengthen the plants stems, stimulate soil microbes, improve soil structure as well as providing a powerful phosphorus source to allow maximum fruit development. Through the use of the extra sulfur we have found flavours are simply unbelievable!


@acort, this is my journal, you are welcome to join in. Referring to your question about a layer of potting soil before the s.s .
I have peat pellets, then potting soil, then s.s I am aware of the need for a buffer to avoid root burn. Feel free to chime in whenever you like.

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Hi All,
Hope everyone had a great Xmas and enjoyed it as much as I did.
Had an “Oh shit” moment on Xmas day, came back from the out-laws place to discover a horizontal seedling, not sure if the tap root had not taken hold, or if the stem wasn’t strong enough and the fan blew it over? Performed minor surgery last night and can’t notice any negative effects yet.

@MrPeat, I don’t think the Blue Dream is gonna pop. Which is confusing, as I have good germination results with the other strains (paper towel method for 48 hrs then plant in soil/substrate to minimise chance of breakage), for e.g I have 100% with G.L


I’m the opposite…I take my time. You can never rush a good thing in my opinion. :+1: