Trying Grow Professional

Welp that’s a wrap on this project for today, maybe I’ll make a faceplate to hold the controllers on

Ac Infinity running 2 6” inline fans
Autopilot apc8200 co2 controller with titan controls
10 hlg 260 drivers
3 amazon power strips
150’ 18/2 Awg wire
2 6” fans to cool the space



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Seriously I’m done for the night


THIS is my idea of some serious dedication. Bravo sir, BRAVO!
You’re doing what most of us here wish we could.
You’re building a dream that most of us will never accomplish, or be ABLE to.

I’m riveted bro,


On the next episode of “Flip My Grow Room” we’ll check back in with @PharmerBob.


Nice set up !!!

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Today my growmies we build what is called “The lung” or the area you pull your cool air in from.

The way I have this set I’m not worried about it being too cold it’s heat and circulation I’m concerned with.

Basic idea, seal off a small area, make sure the air is cooler than what I’m trying to exhaust and done.

So not gonna lie but I’ve been working on this part slowly as I’ve gone a long doing the rest

Room still needs a quick coat of mud before we get in there and frp the room, finally I got a buddy to come in and help do the ceiling with me (probably Saturday) so I can mount:

Light rail system
Cable hiding systems
Rest of electrical


Thank you for you kind works, I’m not going to lie it’s a full time job ontop of a full time job. I’ll be out doing a roof install most of the day…


New sketch

As you can see if used correctly there’s a lot of area under the stairwell adding the portion I blocked off at the breaker panel to cool air down.


I keep making those 2x2 square patterns to show where I may place the plants but I may give up trying to add that portion

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Is the lung temperature moderated by your ambient basement temperature?

This is “growing” to be impressive.


Della will be handling keeping this area at 60 degrees, which in the winter she won’t run but come summertime she will be needed.

Remember to always plan ahead growmies

Inside the lung currently


I really don’t feel like uncollaring and pulling the thermal insulated Hvac ducting to Della atm so I’ll move on for now and finish this later

I like your layout. Clean, efficient, the airflow will be across the entire space, I dig it.

Is this an second floor or bottom floor arrangement? the only reason I ask is because
I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment building and the activities under me make the temps
in my place fluctuate a decent amount.

It’s below ground in the basement with a concrete floor the read of my house the foundation is above ground.

In the summer the basement heats up in the winter it stays cool


Exhaust thru wall . Vent -damper-collar


Haven’t figured out intake since the face plate filter bs I got doesn’t slide into the collar… thinking about cutting it but may just go to Home Depot and fine something similar that works


I think we have the same carpet.

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I need to upgrade to a damper someday I’m sure. Looks good :facepunch:t3:

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Probably, the bank installed in when they rehabbed the place. I will eventually tile the whole thing

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