Hey everyone, I’m currently growing 13 plants outdoors, they’re all about 6-7ft tall and look great. They are in the early stages of flowering and I’m curious if I should cut off all of the smaller branches around the bottom of the plant. All of the plants look like they’re coming along great and I just don’t want to do anything to stress them at this point. any feedback is greatly appreciated! thanks
@Rugar89 this is for you man!
I have the same question Thanks for asking
I wish I could grow outdoors. Your setup looks great and where are you located at in this world?
I’m no expert, but I know it’s best to have some breathing room. If your plants are about 7 feet tall. In my opinion i would clean up at least a foot at the bottom. More energy going to the top buds.
Start off… Beautiful girls! I would trim any lower branches that won’t be able to produce decent buds. That way you’ll get all the delivery to colas that are ripening
You should be fine trimming off the bottom branches.
You could even clone them if you wanted👍
thanks everyone for the feedback, looks like I have some trimming to do. @Onlythebest79 thank you, I’m very fortunate to have the setup & privacy I do. I live in the woods in Massachusetts!
That’s beautiful and where you are at it’s legal right? Where I’m at in Florida we just got medicinal so we are on the way
So awesome!!!Dare I say I am “green” with envy
I’m not so sure… I think is cut weak branches off and leave the biggest strongest ones that get the most light, I mean indoor growers are all about top bids but if you have side lighting e.g. the sun… can’t see why not leave the top 3/4 And take off any little twig branches so the big ones get the full force of energy and food.
Wow I am currently jealous!
That is a sight to behold
I feel like I should add that 10 of these plants are grown from feminized seeds that I got off ILGM, and 3 are clones I was given from friends. As far as ILGM I’m growing Blueberry, Strawberry Kush, & Pineapple Haze. The three clones are two Purple Urkle & one Northern Lights. (All in 10 gallon fabric pots w/ Fox Farm Ocean Forest) So far the Pineapple Haze, Northern Lights, and Purple Urkle are developing buds, where as the Blueberry & Strawberry Kush are still only showing the early signs of flowering.
Damn I’m jealous . I’m in the country with farm fields around. Also due to my health problems, have a VERY straight laced neighbor who brush hogs most of the property for me. So anything I grow still has to be somewhat stealthily. Luckily, I have a friend who has been doing my growing at her place but she’s retiring after this harvest. Your plants look marvelous!
I think I would only trim the very bottom branches and leaves that are hanging below the top of the pots, or are hanging down and laying in the soil, or are starting to yellow. Makes for easier watering and no chance of nute splash getting on leaves.
lol I just noticed your guard dog inside the fence.
He’s absolutely gorgeous
Nice looking pup. I have 2 golden retrievers running around.
Wonderful grow and place you got there, love it