Trichomes vs pistils

So I am sure this has been gone over but figured I would throw it out there seen as a lot of people are harvesting. So I have read that when the pistils turn fully brown it is to full maturity also have read that when you get a % of amber trichomes it is mature. I recently just harvested and went by the color of the pistils were totally brown and could only see milky trichomes with a loop. Now I read once the pistils turn completely brown then it is time to harvest and if you don’t you loose potency. So this confuses me a bit because I wasn’t able to see much of any amber trichomes but didn’t want to start loosing potency. What is your opinions on when to harvest?


Well, I’m going to go by appearance of trichomes.

I had a White Widow last spring that gave every appearance of being done with all amber pistils. But it was 3 weeks early. As I was wondering whether to chop it down it started pushing new bud growth. I ended up waiting, and split the harvest with the lower second harvest being the best bud I have.


Totally the trichomes, but it depends what you are looking for, generally it’s thought that you want anywhere from a 30%-50% ratio of amber trichomes to milky, the more amber the more couch lock, but it’s definitely not down to the pistils and like I say it’s more about what you are looking for



Pistils are the first indicator but the triches will be more indicative of the type of high you’ll get.


@Smokin_ernie, The more amber trichomes are, more CBN and less THC it will have.

CBNa is the product of THCa degradation and give the amber colors to trichomes and give a more couchlock effects and CBN is less potent that THC.

It really depend on what effects you’re searching for and needs, like @daz49 mention :+1::ok_hand::wink:


Thanks @Niala I was really tempted to tag you in on this one, @Smokin_ernie now my good friend @Niala is here you’ll be in professional hands

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@daz49, Professional hands :sweat_smile:, I will not go that far, but I know a thing or two :wink:

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Yeah you do, more than a thing or two but definitely spot on with the trichomes discussion 10 outta 10 in my book :wink: ,how long have you been growing @Niala


latewood Majiktoker Dumme Hogmaster and Donaldj are the professionals on this site, I am only a member like you, @daz49,

However, I will take this as a compliment and I thank you very much :smile::wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: my friend :grinning: :+1:

I am only growing cannabis fo about 1 and half year (1failed, and 2 succesful growth :wink:) but I have a solid gardening experience’s and have studied in applied ecology and bioecology…

Ôôôô, and I have done a lots of research and reading, from this site and other’s, on cannabis :wink:


Yeah I know the professionals on the site and it was a compliment, I’ve only been growing since March, I’ve had 2 successful grows, never even tried to grow anything before but I did plenty of homework, so I’d definitely still say you know enough to be a good grower,specially on this subject


Thanks for the kind word, @daz49 :+1::grinning::wink::innocent:


No worries, credit given, where it’s due a


Thanks @Niala @daz49 @Ray4x @Myfriendis410 well time to practice a little more patience and let them rippen a bit more. They were definitely milky from what I could see through a loop. So far what I have smoked has been good.


You have to be careful with pistils. You generally wouldn’t use them as a harvest indicator, but more of what the buds are doing. If you’re still seeing a ton of white pistils, that’s usually a sign that the buds are still packing weight. Over time the earlier ones will turn brown, but more white will appear. When you start to see this slowing down is a good indicator to start monitoring trichs.