Torn seedling/veg roots nooooooo!

I’m on day 9 growing an autoflower seedling using the red cup method. I was transferring to the big girl 5gal pot and I went to check the bottom of the cup only to find that roots that coiled in the bottom did not make the transfer. Am I fucked and should trash this one as a loss? Wait to see what happens?

Yes, I’m an idiot n00b and not everyone trusts the red cup method yada yada…

Don’t panic she might not even stumble just treat her like nothing happened it’s real easy to love em to death. Welcome to the neighborhood @yourviolentpast

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I’m using Indicanja soil. I was going to give a full water and then leave her alone. Is that still ok?

Wait and see, might make it. You transplanted too early, really want to wait until the roots are much more developed and holding the potting soil together so it doesn’t fall apart on you like it did. Should have kept in the cup for another week at least.

This is about the size you want before transplanting out of the cup with 3rd set of leaves growing in.

You’re not going to want to fully water a 5 gal pot with that tiny sprout, just asking for over watering problems as it will take forever to dry. I’d give it just a little water around the plant, like 4 oz or so, let it dry for couple days, then give a little more. Don’t fully water til that plant is much bigger.


@Hellraiser I knew I’d screw up somewhere. I was following the apotforpot instructions from my first plant (“transplant after 10d or when both sets of leaves are the same size”). Thanks!

And thanks for being the first helpful response @MeEasy !!