Topping then flipping?

How long after i top plants should i wait to flip em to flower? Topped about a week ago.

anyone please? @Covertgrower @Skydiver @Myfriendis410

@Chu666cky how many weeks has your plant been in veg? Auto or photo?

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Maybe post a picture too that helps

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photo clone 2 or 3 weeks out of humidity dome and topped about a week ago. about 6 inches tall. Looking to flip a few small ones in one gallon pots to fill in some spaces under lights

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Clones should be sexually mature. Whenever they’ve rooted. There are growers using ebb and flow that just take clones from the mother and start at 12/12.


thank you @Myfriendis410. can you also tell me how long i should wait to flip after topping?

What they dont do is top them 2 weeks out of the dome and flip them. You would want to veg them long enough to recover from the topping and grow new leaders that are capable of bearing some bud sites.


im guessing leaders are the 2 new shoots frm the topping. how long should i let them grow on a 6 INCH plant? thank you @Cannabian


Thats too small to flip the lights. Let some branches grow enough to lst a few then flip. Probably 2 weeks plus or minus. Lookin beautiful though


If i were to try SOG these plants wouldnt be big enough?


Currently, no. U dont have to sog or scrog or anything to lst. Honestly u could tie over a bit above the middle of the main stem to shed some light on those baby braches wanting to take off

I honestly didnt plan on doin lst on these lil ones. Looking to flip as early as possible.

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Well i mean honestly u can flip any time u want BUT she wont actually transition into flower right away if shes not sexually mature enough. And in my opinion lst is incredibly easy and most definitely increases ur yeilds. I never veg too long either.

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They are clones from a mature female plant. I thot they are of the sexual maturity as the plant they were cut from?

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You can flower them anytime, it will be one big bud! Not sure how big but a bud is better than no bud! Since you topped though I would wait for the branches to separate and you will have two buds!


Perfect that is exactly what im looking for. I have lil gaps between tops/kolas of other further along plants and what i want to do is fill all those lil gaps with lil plants in one gallon pots. From your response it seems to me like my idea might work or its at least somthing i gotta try. Thank you @Holmes ill tag you in my journal so you can see how it works.


Well I’m doing the same thing with a dozen Durban Thai/Cindy 99 clones. You have to decide how big you want the plants but you could flip two weeks after taking clones. They should be rooted then.

I plan to manage each for one top only and expect a zip per clone.


I generally wait a week or so after topping or defoliation and branch removal before the flip. Allows her to recover a bit after surgery.

Flip them when you want to
Can do it now but you may want to wait a week and get them taller with tight top node spacing making sure your light is set up for that. Not too far and not too close. Measure your available height with lights up all the way and measure down to top of tallest pot and you’ll have total headroom measurement. Then subtract minimum hanging height distance of the light. What’s left is how tall the plant can be above the soil and remember that after the flip they can double in height depending on strain etc etc.
measure top of soil to bottom of light (light at max hanging height)
Lights Minimum distance above plants

24” left and if plant doubles in height than 12” max height of plant before flip…assuming your not doing any LST etc and just shooting up one cola per plant.
Plug in your numbers and you’ll know

Got a little off track but some strains make me wander…haha

Would also be a good time to remove any lower growth you would otherwise end up removing later in the grow. I usually leave suspect ones and reassess things about 4-5 weeks after the flip and remove the sites that are low and small etc. good in salads too.
I’ll remove those small bud sites but not the big fan leaves as they are nutrient sources that the plant can use up as needed and they dry up and fall off.

Just some thought and keep feeding your cannabinoid system folks