I’m reading where peeps use silicone every watering & some do not. The instructions on the label states once a week. Which is better?
I add some every watering. Others do something different. It’s hard to hurt a plant with cal/mag. The most common symptom of cal or mag excess is slowed growth. Cannabis grows so fast that slowed growth is noticeable.
Silica? What’s your medium. If it’s soil it’s already loaded with silica. If it’s anything else it’s up to you. See what works for you.
I’m in soil, ffof, & I dose them weekly which seems to make them a lot stronger but isn’t every watering overkill? @MidwestGuy Silica can cause lock out? My thoughts were it was for better absorption? No?
I only add silica half strength at the first watering after each transplant. I up-pot 3 times. Works well for me but I have split nodes more than once as she gets woody quick. I use Rhino Skin.
Silica Increases Plant Strength & Vigor Another thing silica does is increases the strength of cell walls in your plant.
the Most Abundant Element in Sand and Soil
So yes it is great for plants. You can supplement any time you want. It alone won’t make things better, without having proper conditions and lighting to boot.
Not that I am aware of, though silica can cause pH problems if pH is not adjusted prior to feeding. pH issues can cause lockout. Silicon dioxide is highly alkaline.
I use silica 4-5 ml per gal wkly for plant health and an attempt to strengthen the branches for flower weight.
Thanks for your solutions! @MidwestGuy @Low @Bonjoyle @Fieldofdreams . I will look into the Rhino Skin.
Nice to know, thank you.
Might explain my 7.1 run-off (silica and dolomite, fixed the 5.1 run-off).
PH pen calibrated and water going in at 6.1, now (I was doing 6.8 to up the 5.1 run-off).
I made an error when I wrote this. Most silica products are potassium silicate rather than silicon dioxide. My bad.
The pH comment remains accurate. The pH of potassium silicate solutions is ~10.0. Very alkaline.
Appreciate all information you impart. Thanks good sir