“To oscillate, or not to oscillate? That is the question—

I have a 3x4x6 tent with just one 6in infinity fan for air movement other then my exhaust and intake, first i had it pointed at the humidifier thinking it would move air and help control humidity but i get this pic below few days ago.
Fan pointed In other direction toward wall/corner the humidity goes up 10%
So its best when oscillating but where should this fan be placed? Under the canopy pointed up? Above or at lights? Pointed at leaves? Should the plant be dancing? How much movement is too much? What distance? And one plant will always get more wind cuz its closer?


Mount between canopy and lights


I point mine more toward the soil level of the pot. They should ‘wiggle’ but not breakdance LOL. I also always have a fan pointed right under the lights to help cool it off a bit more close to the source.