That’s the beauty of our community. Black Thumb Betty is the kind of guy everyone should be. Thank You BTB for sharing your information.
Yes yes yes
@Familyman LOL I hear ya!
@blackthumbbetty Great Post, thanks for the info!
I just tried a quick tincture, too. It worked very well & only took a couple of hours, start to finish.
The same basic procedure, but start with ice cold solvent. Shake, shake, shake, then freeze for 30 minutes, then shake, shake, shake, again. Then strain & allow to evaporate in a warm, dark place.
If you have the funds buy a Magic Butter machine. You can make everclear Tinture in 4hours. It works great. I’ve made hundreds of gummies with this thing. You can use all of the ingredients mentioned above also. Go to MagicalButter. com.
This is not an advertisement or endorsement for anything.
I’ve been trying to find out which tincture is better for Gummies.
I read that machine makes canna butter for cookies etc.
Does it work with everclear?
Which type of tincture is best for gummies?
How long do you let it evaporate?
Does a fan over the open jar help?
Let it evaporate until it’s the consistency you want. A warm, dark, well-ventilated place is best.
@Josephsv go to magic butter. com and go to their Tinture recipe in their base recipes section. It has the answers to all the questions that you asked. LMK if you need more information. I’ve only made Tinture with grain alcohol ( aka: everclear)
I haven’t seen where warm or dark cook room makes any difference but well ventilated is a must. ie: if you use alcohol do it on an electric stove or hot plate. Set a fan so air is blowing over your cook gently and preferably blowing towards a window. If you use a gas appliance be extremely careful if you’re using alcohol. It is extremely flammable and as far as I’m concerned I wouldn’t do it.
Thanks so much! I just got some 190 proof alcohol and I had slated this weekend to study recipes. Since you have posted a “tried-n-true” one, I can do something else. (Like sew on my quilt…)
thank you do much for sharing. i will try this if i reach my goal. i was afraid of the heat. i saw on you tube someone put the solution on the stove to burn off the alcohol. it makes me feel much better to have mother nature take care of it. again thankyou.
That “Burns like a MOFO” thing is what I’m chasing. how to make a sublingual that doesn’t burn. I came up way short trying to get Vodka to strip the TCH out. Appreciate your comments throughout this place. Peace to you.