Three seem to have stopped growing

I planted all 6 of these at the same time and 3 of them pretty much stopped growing it seems like right after they sprouted they will be 2 weeks old Friday, has anyone else ever had this problem.
Should i be worried?


Possibly overwater. The 2 in the middle look pretty damp for their size. Let them dry for maybe 2 days, then give them half a cup in a ring a couple inches away from the main stem. Could possibly be same issue with corner as well.

OK will do. It wouldn’t hurt to add a little voodoo juice with it would bc its supposed to help the plant’s roots and nutrient uptake?

What soil are you using?

I usually use ocean forest but was trying to save money so i did some research online and landed on this kind but it’s the first time I’ve ever used it.

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It has bat guano fish meal and poultry manure

I haven’t heard of that brand. My gut says hold off on nutes as most potting soil has weeks of nutes in it, just at different ratios. @ConcreteBudz @OGIncognito @Pet_de_Chien have you seen this brand? Sorry, I’m not of much better help at the moment, coffee is still brewing.


Kelp meal not fish and it also has earthworm castings plus the other two i mentioned

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Yes, I’ve used it on outdoor plants, when my normal brand isn’t available. It’s ok, its Home Depot/Menards stuff, if I recall it had a bunch of clumps in it I hade to break up, I dump that kind of stuff in a wheelbarrow and run through it with my hands for big sticks, rocks, clumps etc.
This time of year, in most of the country its temps of those roots, not in sweet spot its Mr.Turtle for you. Try a shower at 70Deg then one at 60, you’ll understand quick.


My temp stays at 75-77 i have a heater and it’s plugged in to a digital controller with its own thermostat

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Great, so the root temp is 65-67, thats prob not awful but. Next Q, would be pot size, bigger pot initially the slower they “Appear” to be growing, the roots will stretch first, then top catch up and so on.
Got a laser thermo, tip that pot and gimme a read on the bottom middle of one.

Sorry don’t have one of those but the room temp is 75-77 not 65 or are you saying that theres that much of a difference between room temp and soil temp?

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I’m saying is that I doubt you believe me, take a temp reading and prove it to yourself.
A Pot of wet dirt on the floor evaporating water,(which I dont know your setup) could easily be 10deg cooler than the air temp 4 feet up, yes. and this time of year, in Most of the country its pretty darn cool to cold. And roots / hence plants above soil, will grow more slowly if her feet are cold…human analogy, ask the GF if she likes her feet cold, mine puts hers on my warm leg and give me the chills.

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OK i didn’t know that didn’t mean to make it sound like i didn’t believe you but sense i don’t have a temp gun do you think i should just crank my room temp up to about 80° or higher?

Also i don’t know if you noticed in the picture but I’ve got the plant’s sitting on a plastic tote wich puts them about a foot and a half off of the floor, not sure how much of a difference that would make

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No, your temps in 80% of the season are great. I was trying to offer you a “likely why” they appear to be growing slow.
First take the temps, I could be wrong, I’m making educated guesses, as I am not there in the room with your plants. If I am right, try getting a piece of rigid insulation, air gap, cardboard pieces, pallet, whatever you can devise to get them off the floor.
Ok you added while I was still typing. I see that you do have an air-gap.

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What I was thinking :point_up_2:. Early slow growth I’ve experienced was temp related especially Sativas. I just moved 3 back into the seedling tent where the temps are 78-82, they were in a closet around 68-74.

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So y’all don’t think i should raise my room temp in order to raise the soil and root temp?

You could try it, but expect the humidity to drop and that too and be a cuplrit this time of year. It sounds goofy, but almost every move, changes something else. Do you have a seedling mat by chance? When watering, are you paying attention to ph and Temp. Cold water can shock the roots too, try room temp to 80ish next watering.

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Give them a chance there probably throwing out roots this one of reasons i use solo cups instead of putting it straight into a pot