This is not a hermi is it?

Hey guys I was checking my white widow auto and was wondering if this is normal

Looks like pistils coming out of them, so I would say no. This is hard to tell if may have been pollinated though.


Hmmmm… I see no males in the tent

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That is a good sign. Could just be calyx or camera angle. But if you had a plant go hermaphrodite on you the pollen released could cause seeds to form too.

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I appreciate your response :+1:t3:I was looking at them and when I seen that I wasn’t sure lol

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That’s what I was thinking :thinking: but she’s the only one that looks like that . She is like 2 1/2 months old now

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How long has plant had pistils for? Doesn’t look like it has been too long. I think I would just keep an eye out for nanners and watch how plants develop.

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I would say for about 2 weeks give or take a few days. I’ll keep an eye out for nanners Uploading: image.jpg…


The last picture sure look l like fat juicy calyxes; you can see the pistils coming out of them. However, as a whole I’m not nearly as experienced as :point_up_2:t3: is!

Continued success

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I appreciate your response! I was a bit worried because they are fat! LOL in the past four days I checked the temperature and it would be 80 to 81° when I usually keep it 75 to 78 I didn’t know if maybe they got stressed out! One day it was 83 or 84 in the room! I don’t know why ! I cranked up the AC now I have them coasting at 74

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I had a og kush get fat caylex like that before by the time I harvested they were brown but there were no seeds in the rest of the plant so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. From the pictures I don’t see any sign of male flowers

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OK that’s awesome! Since I am a beginner I was a little worried and unsure and the research I did was yes and no LOL I appreciate your response

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