The Watchman's First Grow Journal

Read this one and also Macgyvers on mold … I mixed up my recipes earlier … disregard the tobacco one .lol that’s mites


Here’s one more…


Looks like mold, or webs from spider mites. Either isn’t good.

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I think I am going to try to spray down with the baking soda water solution and cut that area out. Susie is close enough to being done I am going to go ahead and cull her even though she hasn’t really been flushed yet unless you guys think I should wait. Sally is the one that is having the issue and that is the only place I see anything. When I tried to collect a sample the material acted like webbing does when you touch it. I don’t know if the WPM acts the same way or not.

I would suggest using a 50/50 solution of 3% peroxide and distilled water. Spray the plant; really wet it down. Pay particular attention to flower and undersides of leaves. Add as much airflow as you can and finally the only thing that really cured wpm for me was the addition of a dehumidifier to the grow space.


Incredible instruction thank you! Getting right on that. Dehumidifier I should be able to order in about 2 days if I can still get one from amazon. Already have it on my wish list. Thank you so much. Im living the whole when it rains it pours thing right now. With all the craziness in news with the Cerveza Bug, an order I got for 200 decals, and now this. Im ready for a drought and apparently the plants are too. LoL


You have mould most likely, could be webbing but mould spores spread soooooo easy!

Cut it off Very aggressively! Bag it and toss it out of the house asap.
Control your humidity, if you have gnats deal with them asap! Let the soil dry, put DE on the soil and yellow stickies up.

I lost 3/4 of my plants to mould and it started off very small like yours.

You will need to bud wash all your buds when you harvest if you make it that far.

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The dehumidifier will be helpful in the last couple of weeks before harvest as the low RH promotes trichome production as a defense mechanism. I always run mine flat out the last couple of weeks. If I could hit 20% at harvest I’m happy with that RH.


Ok I have a question. This just started happening. I did do something different about 3 days ago. My Ghydro filter was just not cutting it. So I bought a TerraBloom filter. It came with a black and a white prefilter. I installed the white one. Just kind of wanted to throw that out there in hopeful thought. Any possibility that is fibers from the prefilter?

don’t think so. my guess is mold. battled bugs and mold this grow. i’m a plant therapy convert. fighting this stuff is so much work.

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What’s your RH been?

But yeah cut the plant off very aggressive, not just a little below effected, it sucks but try and save it now.

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With light on it stays right around 50%. At night with lights off it gets stupid high at times. Should I chop off the whole branch? I did notice a tiny little spot on other place.

Ugh… Not good man not good your fans on 24/7 yeah?
Why your RH so high? You need to vent your exhaust outside the house

Your on a covid 19 trend for your plant bro trust me I had this happen last fall.
Cut like a inch or 3 below effected area be very gentle and bag it spores are shedding off everytime your plant moves. Cut the other one two.

Take a pic of your plant how close are you to harvest?
You might have to harvest early man…
Get a dehumidifier asap!!!

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Yep sounds like I need to quarantine and isolate. I’d say Sally (the infected one) would have another 2-3 weeks to go. Susie is just starting to turn amber. She’s not flushed but she getting harvested tomorrow. I will do what I can for Sally and try to save her. I’d rather save one now than lose both later. In bed now. Will get busy in the morning.

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I forgot to mention the reason my RH is so high is that I live in the midwest. Outside humidity right now is 94%. It’s actually quite impressive how low I have been able to keep it. With the lights still out and an outside humidity of 94%, the tent is sitting at 62% right now. It’ll drop to around 50% when the light kicks on.

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Ahhh okay yeah, see my humidity is 30 in my house and even dryer outside.

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Update. No way around this. It is mold. Susie has it too. (^&&^()&(_)&&^&^^

Know what I mean? Just soaked it down in a 50/50 3% peroxide/water solution. Still wont be able to order a dehumidifier until tomorrow. I have a feeling Im looking at 100% loss. Without that dehumidifier anything I do is futile.

Ugh man I feel you!
I been there

Okay cut it off aggressively and can you harvest it now?
I tried to let my plants mature and as they did it just spread I ended up getting 3 jars off 4 plants… Yeah

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Can you find a de-humidifier on craigs list maybe :v:


Or Facebook marketplace or a 2nd hand store.

He might be saying that he has to wait due to cash flow

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