If a picture could represent my persona, is this picture.
Veg room, moved girls into bigger squared pots of 20 cm base , boughts saucers of 22cm, round,
too small, sent them back and ordered 24cm. Which are the one you see in the picture… not sending them back,…
I hate when that happens!
You can make that work.
As long as the holes of the base are over the opening of the pan, you’re good! Got air flow to the bottom, and you can use one of those kiddy pool, giant crayon things that sucks up and squirts water to get the runoff out! Dollar store may have them in the clearance or just grab some off the Zon!
Oh yes, being young they dont need too much water, when they flower they going to be in the Autopots trays
Thank you for the advice, I have syringes of 10 and 20 I can use,
Also they are not in flower, they dont require as much water, then ill move them on autopts trays.
It’s just…you know? Thats me!!!
I am sure it doesn’t work very well, also because your girls are big! Mine are still teens atm, will move them on autopts trays later on.
It’s just typical of the things I do! A bit of self-deprecation and irony made me feel a bit better, I know of people who would never do that! Get it wrong twice!!! ( like my ex, he just wouldn’t do something like that, but we are still friends, so there are plenty of opportunities where I can still feel like…DUUUUH )
Measure from corner to corner and use that for diameter of round saucers.
These might help, it’s the ones I use
Nice, they are cheap as well, considering thats in dollars. Ill look for them
Ok, the pots are 20cm at the base, bigger on top, i bough 22cm and then 24 cm round saucers, the diameters of a 22 cm or 24 cm saucers shoukd be 22cm or 24cm, i am not sure what i am missing.